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Supply and Delivery of Linemarking Materials within Regional NSW - 24.0000129330.0447

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Changes made to this opportunity

17-Sep-2024 01:30 amended
Overview - Close date: changed <strong>from</strong> 25-Sep-2024 3:00 PM <strong>to</strong> 23-Oct-2024 3:00 PM
Overview - Primary contact name: changed <strong>from</strong> Ibrahim Helmy <strong>to</strong> Asad Hussain
Overview - Primary Contact email: changed <strong>from</strong> ibrahim.helmy@transport.nsw.gov.au <strong>to</strong> asad.hussain@transport.nsw.gov.au
Overview - Primary Contact phone: changed <strong>from</strong> 0448 077 761 <strong>to</strong> 02 9595 4059
Overview - Additional details/instructions: changed <strong>from</strong> <p>Any Price and Non price percentage published under Evaluation/Weighting as part of this Opportunity advertisement is the default setting of a mandatory field, and does not apply to this Opportunity.</p> <strong>to</strong> <p>Any Price and Non price percentage published under Evaluation/Weighting as part of this Opportunity advertisement is the default setting of a mandatory field, and does not apply to this Opportunity.</p> <p>--------------------------------------------</p> <p>Addendum 01 includes</p> <p>i. Extension of Tender Period</p> <p></p>
Overview - New items added to Related files: Addendum 1 - 24.0000129330.0447.pdf