SCM10611 Procurement List for Consultants in Construction for services valued above $9M
Suppliers on this scheme
Last updated
Managed | NSW Public Works |
Type |
Whole of government
Recommended |
Scheme category | Construction |
Scheme ID | SCM10611 |
Scheme owner | Saifur Rehman |
15-Feb-2021 12:00 AM
15-Feb-2021 9:00 AM
31-Dec-2025 11:59 PM
31-Dec-2025 11:59 PM
This Procurement List has been established to comply with PBD-2019-05-EPP.
The Procurement List for Consultants in Construction covers the following categories:
Construction related Project Management Services
- Project Manager
- Project Manager Planning and Delivery - Health Infrastructure
Architectural Services
- Architectural - General
- Architecture Planning and Delivery - Health Infrastructure
Notice of Establishing a Procurement ListNotice-for-eTender-Consultants-PL_SCM10611_FINAL_1NOV22.docx (VND.OPENXMLFORMATS-OFFICEDOCUMENT.WORDPROCESSINGML.DOCUMENT, 150 kb)
2024-08-22 SCM10611 PL Consultants in Construction - Applicant Guidelines.pdf2024-08-22-SCM10611-PL-Consultants-in-Construction---Applicant-Guidelines.pdf (PDF, 541 kb)
You need to answer all the questions in this online application and provide the information requested.
If you don’t supply the information we need, we will not be able to assess your application properly or quickly.
*It is recommended that you submit the application from a generic/ proxy email address (such as that the relevant people in your organisation will have access to. Tendering opportunities will typically be sent to the email address that submitted the application.
Scheme Requirements
SCM10611 Scheme specific questions
Corporate structure * (required)
Using the attached template describe your organisation's corporate structure.
Response type:
File upload
Modern Slavery * (required)
Modern Slavery is the term used to describe situations where adults and children are exploited because they have been coerced, threatened, or deceived. It describes situations where a person’s freedom and dignity have been taken away. Under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) a government agency must take reasonable steps to ensure that goods and services procured by and for the agency are not the product of modern slavery.
For more information about the Guidance and the Shared Implementation Framework, please visit the Due Diligence and Reporting page available from the Office of the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner (OASC) website below:
It is understood that you have read the Modern Slavery related provisions applicable in NSW.
Is your business willing to work with the NSW Government to address modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains?
Response type:
Radio button yes/no
Aboriginal Participation * (required)
The NSW Government values the economic, social, and cultural contribution of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of NSW. The Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP) will contribute to the NSW Government’s strategic economic policy of Growing NSW’s First Economy.
You acknowledge the importance of supporting opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people of NSW and will aim to meet key targets as identified through the APP and will comply with it.
Please visit the APP page on the buy.nsw website:
Is your business willing to work with the NSW Government to comply and support the implementation of this Policy?
Response type:
Radio button yes/no
Fines * (required)
Complete and upload the attached template. The applicant is to identify all fines, proceedings, prosecutions and convictions in the last two years as well as action taken by applicant to address these matters including work health and safety and environmental matters.
Response type:
File upload
Financial capacity check * (required)
The applicant confirms that it will supply their previous 2 years financial statements and any other relevant information as requested by the Government's appointed external assessor.
Response type:
Checkbox agree/disagree
Insurances * (required)
Please upload a copy of your certificates of currency for:
- Public liability insurance - a minimum amount of $20M is required to gain prequalification.
- Professional indemnity insurance - a minimum amount of $10M is required to gain prequalification.
Response type:
File upload Date
Quality management system (QMS) * (required)
- Certification to ISO 9001 through an organisation listed by JAS-ANZ or equivalent.
Response type:
File upload Date
Key personnel and experience * (required)
Using the attached template provide details of the experience and key personnel in your organnisation. Combine all requirements into one file and upload as a PDF or zip file.
Refer to Section 3.1 of the scheme conditions for further information on the commercial and technical abilities required and document evidence to be provide.
Response type:
File upload
Company experience * (required)
Using the attached template provide details of your company experience. Combine all requirements into one file and upload as a PDF or zip file.
Refer to Section 3.1 of the scheme conditions for further information on the commercial and technical abilities required and document evidence to be provided.
Response type:
File upload
Referee/performance reports * (required)
Provide two client referee reports/CPRs for each work category applied for fully completed contracts/engagements delivered in the last 3 years for each work category you are applying for with engagement fee above $9 million.
Combine into one file and upload as PDF or zip file.
Response type:
File upload
1 - Construction related project management services
1A Project manager
This category includes all project management functions for the effective planning and delivery of projects to achieve stated benefit realisation objectives. Project Manager is responsible for all phases of a construction project including planning, delivery to post occupancy completion. It also includes management of construction activities during the delivery phase including project management of planning by the head contractor following award of the construction contract and contract administration.
Question 1:
Please upload evidence that your key personnel have qualifications relating to project management: • A university degree in project management • A higher education degree in project management • BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management or equivalent qualification • Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP) by Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) • PMP (certified project management professional) by Project Management Institute, Inc. USA • PRINCE2 Practitioner.
Question 1:
Response type:
File upload
Question 2:
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) - Please upload a copy of your certification to ISO 45001 through an organisation listed by JAS-ANZ or equivalent.
Question 2:
Response type:
File upload Date
Question 3:
Environmental Management System (EMS) - Please upload a copy of your certification to ISO 14001 through an organisation listed by JAS-ANZ or equivalent.
Question 3:
Response type:
Free text
Question 4:
How does your organisation demonstrate its ability to follow public sector/government procurement policies and guidelines?
Question 4:
Response type:
Free text
1B Project manager planning and delivery – health infrastructure
Project management of services to support planning, design, town planning and approval process for health-related capital works and management of construction activities during the delivery including project management of planning by the head contractor following award of the construction contract and contract administration.
Question 1:
Please upload evidence that your key personnel have qualifications relating to project management: • A university degree in project management • A higher education degree in project management • BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management or equivalent qualification • Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP) by Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) • PMP (certified project management professional) by Project Management Institute, Inc. USA • PRINCE2 Practitioner.
Question 1:
Response type:
File upload
Question 2:
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) - Please upload a copy of your certification to ISO 45001 through an organisation listed by JAS-ANZ or equivalent.
Question 2:
Response type:
File upload Date
Question 3:
Environmental Management System (EMS) - Please upload a copy of your certification to ISO 14001 through an organisation listed by JAS-ANZ or equivalent.
Question 3:
Response type:
Free text
Question 4:
How does your organisation demonstrate its ability to follow public sector/government procurement policies and guidelines?
Question 4:
Response type:
Free text
2. Architectural services
2A Architectural – general
Question 1:
Upload your Nominated Architect's Certificate from Architects Registration Board.
Question 1:
Response type:
File upload
2B Architecture planning and delivery - health infrastructure
Question 1:
Upload your Nominated Architect's Certificate from Architects Registration Board.
Question 1:
Response type:
File upload
Terms and conditions
2024-08-22 SCM10611 PL Consultants in Construction - Conditions.pdf2024-08-22-SCM10611-PL-Consultants-in-Construction---Conditions.pdf (PDF, 239 kb)
View amendments to this scheme
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