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SCM0020 Prequalification Scheme: ICT Services


Suppliers on this scheme


Last updated

Managed Digital NSW
Type Whole of government


Scheme category Information and technology
Scheme ID SCM0020
Scheme owner Jennifer Ma
Start date:

29-Jan-2013 12:00 AM

End date:

28-Feb-2029 11:59 PM


The ICT Services Scheme is mandated for all suppliers who deliver ICT goods and services to the NSW Government.


NSW Government agencies and other eligible buyers must use suppliers from the ICT Services Scheme (SCM0020) when buying ICT/digital goods and services. This is mandated by NSW Procurement Board Direction PBD 2021-04, and governed by PBD 2020-05.
The SME and Regional Procurement Policy is one exception to the ICT Services Scheme mandate. For engagements up to $150,000 (ex. GST), NSW Government buyers may buy directly from an SME (regardless of if on the ICT Services Scheme or a mandated ICT contract).
By joining this Scheme, suppliers agree to follow:
  • The ICT Commercial Framework for ICT Consulting Services.
  • The ICT Purchasing Framework – suppliers must use the Core& and MICTA/ICTA contracts and adhere to the NSW Procurement Board Direction PBD-2021-02 for contractual variations.
  • The Scheme Rules – suppliers should carefully read through the Scheme Rules before completing an application.
  • Insurance Requirements – suppliers do not need to provide proof of insurances to join the scheme, but rather must agree to have insurances in place before entering into a tender.


Applicants to the ICT Services Scheme should select one or more of 18 categories of supply, or sub-categories, depending on what their business provides.
Applicants will need to provide the following information to complete an application to the ICT Services Scheme. The information may be subject to assessment, reference checking, searches, interview, enquiries, and confirmation. Suppliers are deemed to have authorised any such action.
Information required to complete an application:
  • Organisation details (type of organisation, date established, associated entities, company profile)
  • Company capacity and capability
  • Relevant experience
  • Referee report (for Advanced supplier list only)
  • ICT Commercial Framework declaration
  • Insurances
  • Applicant declaration.
Applications are reviewed by the ICT Services Team and suppliers will be notified of the outcome by email within 14 days.
If an application is unsuccessful, the applicant can ask the ICT Services team to review the decision.

Scheme Requirements

SCM0020 Scheme specific questions

Capability and capacity statements for registered suppliers * (required)

Use the attached template to outline your organisation's capability and capacity. Include your company name in the filename prior to uploading.

Capacity and capability.docx

Response type:

File upload

Capacity and capability statements for advanced suppliers * (required)

Using the attached template outline your organisation's capability and capacity. Include your company name in the filename prior to uploading.

Capacity and capability.docx

Response type:

File upload

Relevant experience for registered suppliers * (required)

Use the attached template to outline your organisation's relevant experience. Include your company name in the filename prior to uploading.

Relevant experience template.docx

Response type:

File upload

Relevant experience for advanced suppliers * (required)

Use the attached template to outline your organisation's relevant experience. Include your company name in the filename prior to uploading.

Relevant experience template.docx

Response type:

File upload

Referees for advanced suppliers * (required)

Using the attached template provide 2 referee reports for each nominated category group. The referee reports must be for work completed in the last 3 years.

Referee report_advanced.docx

Response type:

File upload

Insurances for registered suppliers * (required)

Do you agree to provide proof of the following relevant insurances at time of tender or engagement:

  • $1M professional indemnity insurance
  • Where required by law, workers' compensation insurance
  • $5M public liability lnsurance
  • If supplying products such as hardware or software, $5M product liability insurance.

Response type:

Checkbox agree/disagree

Insurances for advanced suppliers * (required)

Do you agree to provide proof of the following relevant insurances at the time of tendering or engagement?

  • $1M professional indemnity insurance
  • Where required by law, workers' compensation insurance
  • $10M public liability insurance
  • If supplying products such as hardware or software, $10M product liability insurance.

Response type:

Checkbox agree/disagree

Cost of services * (required)

Please upload a copy of your rates schedule.

Response type:

File upload

Associated entities

Using the attached template provide details of any associated entities eg resellers, subcontractors or agents.


Response type:

File upload


A - Architecture and design

A01 Enterprise and business architecture

Analysis of business structure and processes, development of technology roadmaps to support business and ICT strategies. Development and dissemination of ICT standards taking into account impact on legacy technologies and facilitating adoption of future trends. Includes modelling, development and adoption of frameworks as well as definition of current, transitional and future state architectures.

Response type:


A02 Information architecture

Information architecture covers all the sources and forms of information that define the enterprise architecture. The information architecture layer includes; information and data models; processes for managing information; standards for the manipulation and presentation of information; governance of information; infrastructure and technology for storing, manipulating and transmitting information; taxonomy for categorisation of information. Information architecture services may include; development of enterprise architectures (EA, both for current state and future state) for the information architecture layer within complex organisational environments; development of models, standards and guidelines for the information architecture to meet the diverse needs of EA projects; understanding the architectural capabilities and constraints of the range of technologies that support data and information in distributed systems; information and data modelling, taxonomies and content descriptions and utilisation of tools, models and templates to support capture, analysis and presentation of findings to a wide variety of stakeholders.

Response type:


A03 Solution architecture

Development of technology solutions that deliver business requirements within the guidelines of an enterprise architecture, when available. This includes development of technical specifications, selection of technology components and development of solution designs.

Response type:


B - Benchmarking

B01 Benchmarking

Benchmarking includes identifying accurate historical and/or current data against which a data set can be compared now and/or in the future. Demonstrated experience in the identification, adaption and adoption of benchmarking processes is also required.

Response type:


C - Data centre

C01 Data centre services

Provision of expert advice and recommendations on: migration strategies, future data centre operating and governance models including best practices such as ITIL. Assistance with key strategic documents. Provision of services to assist with actual migration activities. Provision of services associated with data centre operational activities including delivery 'as a service'. Note: All other data centre services are provided under the NSW Government's Data Centre lease arrangement with Metronode Pty Ltd.

Response type:


C02 Data centre equipment

Supply of infrastructure items within the data centre including: servers (virtual or dedicated); storage systems (for example - storage area networks, network attached storage, tape systems, optical systems); appliances (for example - de-duplication appliances, backup appliances); ancillary qquipment (for example - UPS, firewalls, routers, switches); peripherals (for example – racks, leads, cable trays).

Response type:


D - End user computing

D01 End user computing installation, configuration and maintenance including delivery 'as a service'

Installation, configuration and maintenance. Includes ordering equipment, delivery, installation of operation systems and decommissioning of existing equipment.

Response type:


D02 End user computing management including delivery 'as a service'

The provision of infrastructure services and the associated supporting resources that enable service level agreements to be met to the customer's satisfaction. As a result the customer's staff should be able to undertake the core business functions that are dependent on the underlying desktop technology infrastructure. Includes, monitoring and analysis, backup and recovery and software licence administration. Updates installed as required inline with agreed timeframes.

Response type:


D03 End user computing hardware including delivery 'as a service'

Supply of personal computers, notebooks and laptops, including full 'as a service'. Monitors can be provided with the end user device. Note: Excludes the capital acquisition of any device meeting the Government Standard Specification under the Contract 999 ICT End User Devices and Services for NSW.

Response type:


D04 Monitors including delivery 'as a service'

Supply of computer monitors, including full 'as a service'. Note: Excludes the capital acquisition of any device meeting the Government Standard Specification under the Contract 999 ICT End User Devices and Services for NSW.

Response type:


D05 Other end user computing devices including delivery 'as a service'

Supply of any computer based end user computing device not included in any other sub-categories under the end user device category, including workstations, thin and zero clients. Includes full 'as a service'. Note: Excludes the capital acquisition of any device meeting the Government Standard Specification under the Contract 999 ICT End User Devices and Services for NSW.

Response type:


E - Strategy

E01 ICT strategy

The provision of strategic vision and documentation associated with information and communications technology supporting ICT. This includes; strategy and plan development and evaluation, forecasting or analysis of future trends, strategic research and analysis, development of and advice on management frameworks (eg risk, service delivery management and portfolio management).

Response type:


E02 Procurement management

Procurement transition, integration and delivery of services. Includes contract development, contract planning, contract formation, contract management and service arrangement.

Response type:


E03 Efficiency and optimisation

Design, development and maintenance of the operational tools, standards, methods, environment and protocols that enable the consistent and efficient delivery of quality outputs. This can include methodology planning and implementation, billing checking and management, development and implementation of policies, procedures, analysis tools and standards for: integration, environment, desktop, project offices, performance and evaluation.

Response type:


F - Network management

F01 Network equipment installation, configuration and maintenance including delivery 'as a service'

Installation, configuration and maintenance of network equipment. Includes loading software, unit and network testing to confirm installation of equipment and software solutions, and configuration.

Response type:


F02 Network operations including delivery 'as a service'

Management of the fixed and mobile network environment. Includes the provision of integrated support services and architectures that facilitate access to a Customer's application for both internal and external users. The facilities and services should support a secure and effective technological infrastructure. Covers traffic management, asset administration, facilities management, building cabling and network environment. Network performance meets agreed standards.

Response type:


G - Other ICT services

G01 Mobile devices including delivery 'as a service'

Supply and/or services for mobile device capability including wireless, USB modems, mobile phones, smart phones and tablet devices. Unit provisioning, firmware, configuration, software and applications as a professional service, managed service or full 'as a service'.

Response type:


G02 Digitisation including delivery 'as a service

Services for digitisation life-cycle capability including design, development and implementation of digitisation activities, provisioning of services or devices (including Printers, scanners and multi-function devices ) for conversion from physical form, born digital capture, web and social media capture, descriptive meta-data creation, record creation and cataloguing, curatorial services, digital asset management and workflow design. Includes provisioning and maintenance of supportable digital forms including but not limited to images, text and printed materials, newspapers, oral works, art works, museum collections, moving image and sound, broadcast media content, legacy digital forms, microform, objects and ephemera, web and social media including as a professional service, managed service or full 'as a service'.

Response type:


G03 Telephony including delivery 'as a service'

Services for telephony capability includes provisioning and maintenance of analogue and digital telephones, faxes, teleconference and video conference capability as a professional service, managed service or full 'as a service'.

Response type:


H - Risk management

H01 Strategic risk management

Considers risk from different perspectives with an organisation; strategic, programme, project and operational. Manages risks at a strategic and an organisational level and plans ongoing risk management, identifies mitigation tasks and optimising risk opportunities. Developing a risk methodology or framework.

Response type:


H02 Business continuity planning

Business Continuity Planning (BCPing) is a process that ensures an organisation can continue to operate after a major crisis or disaster. BCPing covers; preparation of a business continuity plan, including a risk management plan, business impact analysis, incident response plan, a disaster recovery plan. Disaster recovery plan - A disaster may be anything that results in an inability to access the IT infrastructure, e.g. fire, flood, gas leaks, storms, serious corruption of data or other damage. It covers crisis management, process systems, operations and technology risks.

Response type:


H03 Capacity and availability planning

Capacity planning baselines existing resources needs and anticipates the organisation's future needs based on business input into a Capacity plan which includes; new and upcoming services and products, hardware and application development plans and organisational service levels. Availability planning includes documenting the current and future needs of the business in an availability plan, assist with diagnosis and resolution of availability related problems, review service reliability, maintainability, prepare redundancy plans, assess the impact of changes or new products or services, development of proactive measures that are cost effective.

Response type:


H04 Process and technology audits

Conduct ICT processes and technology audits which consider efficiency, costs, service levels, risk levels and alignment to business needs; report findings and make recommendations to the organisation on ways to improve.

Response type:


I - ICT programs

I01 Program office standards

The ability to creation or review an ICT program office including standards, reporting, change management, stakeholder communication, demand management, schedule management, resource management, configuration management, reporting, benefits realisation via programs, change control, governance and dependency management, project team collaboration, performance monitoring and controlling.

Response type:


I02 Project, program and portfolio management

Manage a project from end to end including project mandate, initiating and business case, planning, executing, controlling, reporting and closing using a project methodology eg Prince 2. Manage large and complex deliverables that are broken down into manageable inter-related projects. Combines the ability and resources to define, plan, implement and integrate a program of works using a program methodology. Support and advise senior management decision making on strategic alignment, prioritisation, risk management, optimisation of resources etc to successfully deliver their business objectives.

Response type:


I03 Change management

Managing the business impact of implementing an ICT change to the business, including stakeholder communications, process and procedure changes, updates to or new documentation and training.

Response type:


I04 Quality assurance and compliance

Planned and systematic activities to fulfil quality requirements for a system, product, program or service including assured compliance. Quality assurance requires demonstrated QA methodologies, experience in control methodologies, compliance audit, diagnostic reviews, health checks, QA governance procedures and where requisite remediation plans.

Response type:


J - Server management

J01 Server installation, configuration and maintenance including delivery 'as a service'

The installation, configuration and maintenance of operating system software and testing of installation, licences, upgrades, patches of operating system (OS) software.

Response type:


J02 Operations management including delivery 'as a service'

Management and maintenance of the server environment. The management of mainframes, servers and ISP hosting hardware as well as the management of operating system and system management software. Includes the backup and recovery of servers and operating systems.

Response type:


K - Security management

K01 Security strategy including delivery 'as a service'

Create strategy, architecture, solutions and services that protect ICT environment. Includes developing strategies, conducting security audits and identifying risks and issues and conducting vulnerability assessments. Supporting and maintaining ISO 27001 certification.

Response type:


K02 Security and firewall installation including delivery 'as a service'

Provision of a security framework that facilitates access to the customers' applications, information and data for both internal and external users. Security and firewall installation and configuration.

Response type:


K03 Security testing including delivery 'as a service'

Undertake various security testing including, penetration testing, web security testing, secure code reviews. Security and environment testing meets agreed standards.

Response type:


K04 Security and firewall management including delivery 'as a service'

Management of a security framework that facilitates access to the customers' applications, information and data for both internal and external users. Including performance monitoring, security upgrades and access management.

Response type:


L - Learning services

L01 Learning Services

Providing government with learning services, including learning strategies, needs analysis, learning design and delivery. Learning may be delivered by a range of means.

Response type:


M - Systems and solutions

M01 Business analysis

Business analysis includes structured identification, analysis and documentation of requirements associated with the design, development and implementation of business systems. This includes; business requirements specification, process analysis and design, procedure development, data migration and conversion planning, development and execution of testing strategies, problem identification and resolution, assessment of training needs, liaison between technical and business staff, research and analysis (eg market and customer), risk assessment and management.

Response type:


M02 Custom application development including delivery 'as a service'

Custom application development including: design and development, enhancement, integration and implementation, data migration and conversion, testing, performance and metrics, maintenance and ongoing support. Including provision of development, application development and support 'as a service'.

Response type:


M03 Services including electronic document and records management and customer relationship management (CRM) and case management services including delivery 'as a service'

New or amendment of existing electronic documents and records or customer relationship management (CRM) and case management solutions. Includes design, development, implementation, data migration, integration training, maintenance, configuration and support. May also include support with business analysis, transformation and process change. Note: For ERP service offerings, please refer to Category Q: ERP and related corporate & shared services.

Response type:


M04 Other software services including delivery

Includes design, development, implementation, data migration, integration training, maintenance, configuration and support for all other software services not already included in other systems and solutions sub-categories. May also include support with business analysis, transformation and process change.

Response type:


M05 Information management services including delivery 'as a service'

Developing business information strategies and creating systems. Includes design, development, implementation, data migration, integration training, maintenance, configuration and support. May also include support with business analysis, transformation and process change. Covers provision of scientific, operational and administrative datasets, data management, data analysis, master data management, data warehousing, business intelligence, content management and meta data management.

Response type:


M06 Web design and content management services including delivery 'as a service'

This category includes; website design and development, Intranet & Extranet development, user interface design, content management solutions, flash design and development, database design and development and usability research.

Response type:


M07 Software support and maintenance services including delivery 'as a service'

Services for licensed software and /or developed software and may consist of help desk services, updates, new releases, ancillary services, ongoing maintenance services.

Response type:


M08 Testing services

Includes provision of test services including but not limited to the development and delivery of testing strategies, test plans and defect identification procedures to ensure that solutions reflect requirements. This can include delivery of any or all aspects 'as a service'.

Response type:


M09 Software resellers and software asset management services

Brokerage services for licensed software, software asset management and optimisation, and other software maintenance, subscription and support services.

Response type:


N - Software licences

N01 Infrastructure and utilities software

Software licensing and support for database applications, data management, virtualisation and partitioning software, operating systems, enterprise application integration (EAI), application performance and monitoring software, programming language, web design, hosting and middleware applications software, and any infrastructure and utilities software.

Response type:


N02 Software applications

Software licensing and support for enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, business intelligence (BI) and enterprise content management (ECM) software, computer-aided design, engineering and manufacturing software, office productivity software, and any software applications not included elsewhere.

Response type:


N03 Communications and security software

Software licensing and support for networking and mobile development and email and messaging software, cloud management software, identity access and encryption software, data protection, privacy protection and anti-virus software, and any communications and security software.

Response type:


O - Telecommunication services

O01 Fixed line voice services

The provision of fixed line telecommunications services utilising a physical link.

Response type:


O02 Fixed line data services

The provision of data services, including delivery as a service using a physical link. This includes Fibre, xDSL, ISDN etc.

Response type:


O03 Mobile services (including mobile data)

The provision of voice and data services using cellular networks (eg 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE etc)

Response type:


O04 Satellite services

The provision of voice and data services using satellites.

Response type:


O05 Management and maintenance services

All other telecommunications services, including call accounting (TIMS), consolidated telecommunications inventory and cost management (including carrier billing analysis tools), system commissioning, decommissioning, system maintenance (single and multi-vendor), call centres etc

Response type:


P - Telecommunications equipment

P01 Fixed, mobile, satellite, networking equipment

Any physical equipment used in the provision of telecommunications including handsets, headsets, cables, accessories, hubs, bridges, routers, switches, modems, interface cards, firewalls as well as associated systems including but not limited to voice and/or video mail and unified messaging systems, contact centre systems, interactive voice response systems (IVRs), music and messaging on hold systems, voice recording systems, audio conference systems, video conferencing and webcam systems, private paging and public address systems, broadcast messaging systems.

Response type:


Q - ERP and related corporate and shared services

Q01 Professional services

Includes the provision of strategic analysis and planning, business process management, transition and transformation, business analysis, modelling, design and architecture, development, testing, data migration and conversion (ETL), organisational and change management, systems integration, performance and management, and benchmarking.

Response type:


Q02 ERP software and platform as a service

Includes all Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) related software in the government marketplace that uses an 'as a service' delivery model. Also includes the provision of platform and utility services for ERP in the government marketplace supporting production environments.

Response type:


R - ICT cloud services

R01 Cloud applications

This includes all on demand delivery of software applications that uses 'as a service' delivery model with the cloud provider hosting and managing the application and its underlying infrastructure.

Response type:


R02 Cloud hosting and infrastructure

Services to assist agencies provision of platform and utility services via public/private/community cloud to allow for the development, operation and management of applications. Supporting development, testing and production environments. Infrastructure as a service solution includes provision of ICT infrastructure via public/private/community cloud that uses 'as a service' delivery model. This includes servers (virtual or dedicated), storage systems, network, appliances and telecommunications, ancillary equipment, peripherals and the hosting of this equipment and operating system.

Response type:


R03 Cloud support

Services to assist agencies transition to NSW Government data centres and/or to cloud/as a service solutions. Includes support services for monitoring and managing cloud environments.

Response type:


Terms and conditions

View amendments to this scheme

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