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Sydney Metro West – Remaining Packages Independent Certifier Services - RFT SMC-24-1289


Sydney Metro requires a suitably experienced Independent Certifier (IC) to provide the Independent Certifier Services for the Sydney Metro West Remaining Packages.


Sydney Metro
Primary contact:
Valentina Alama
RFT (Open)
Construction - Commercial
Opportunity ID:
RFT SMC-24-1289
All regions
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

02-Dec-2024 3:00 PM

Estimated decision date:


Project goals

The IC will cover the Sydney Metro West Trains and Systems supply and Maintenance and Operations services (TSMO), Linewide package and Stations Packages. The IC will not provide Services for Sydney Metro West contracts currently in delivery, or the over station developments. As a minimum, interested companies will have to:

1.     Demonstrate that they possess a quality management system accredited to ISO9001.

2.     Demonstrate that they have the capability, capacity and experience in successfully undertaking the role of IC on similarly complex infrastructure projects of individual value above $500m and within the last five years.

3.     Submit a schedule providing full and frank disclosure in relation to the Tenderer's probity circumstances in relation to:

  •        Association with bidders and contractors.
  •       Relationship between tenderer and their Providers.
  •       Potential probity issues.


 The Services are generally contemplated to include:

  • review and certification of Milestone Achievement, Substantial Completion, Completion, including asset management information, O&M Manuals, and as-built records, including drawings and models;
  • review and certification of the design and completion of works under certain Third Party Agreements;
  • provide advice on interpretation relating to Design Stage 3 non-compliances, and construction phase non-compliances;
  • support classification of Defects to be rectified prior to completion of a Portion;
  • certification of the achievement of incentive events;
  • review of Sydney Metro and Contractor surveillance records, and undertake additional surveillance necessary to meet their obligations;
  • certification of rollingstock at offshore manufacturing facilities (to be undertaken by resources local to the manufacturing facility i.e. overseas);
  • attendance at joint inspections, and other deed performance tests (i.e. physical configuration audits) on an as needs basis;
  • attendance at meetings as specified by Sydney Metro, including working groups focussed on completions, handover, progress, interface scope review; as well as site quality meetings

The service duration is approximately for 7 years from the contract execution date with a target commencement of March 2025.

Sydney Metro is offering a simplified payment mechanism focused on a Fixed Fee for program management and upper limiting fees for specific individual packages. 

Additional details/instructions

1.     Bona Fide Applicants

Access to the Ansarada Data Room will be granted to relevant entities that Sydney Metro reasonably considers at its sole discretion are capable of being bona fide tenderers, whether in joint venture or independently.  Applicants must submit the Bona Fide Applicants Form (Appendix B to this RFT) to the contact officer via email at valentina.alama@transport.nsw.gov.au.

2.     Access to Ansarada Data Room

As a condition precedent to Sydney Metro granting access to the Ansarada data room which contains the RFT documents, Applicants must submit the following documents to the contact officer via email at valentina.alama@transport.nsw.gov.au:

  •  an executed Deed of Disclaimer (Tender Schedule 3);
  • an executed Confidentiality Deed Poll (Tender Schedule 4);
  • a completed User Access Request Form (Appendix 1 of the Data Room Guidelines, Appendix C to this RFT); and
  • ASIC company search


Mandatory requirements

  1. Social procurement (Construction Policy) *

    Construction - Commercial

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  2. Social procurement (ISLP Policy) *

    Construction - Commercial

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  3. Social procurement (Shorter Payment Terms Policy) *

    Construction - Commercial

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)

Opportunity requirements


Description of Requirement

  • Sydney Metro requires a suitably experienced Independent Certifier (IC) to provide the Independent Certifier Services for the Sydney Metro West Remaining Packages.
  • The IC will cover the Sydney Metro West Trains and Systems supply and Maintenance and Operations services (TSMO), Linewide, and Station Packages. The IC will not provide Services for Sydney Metro West contracts currently in delivery or the over station developments.

Response type

File upload (Multiple)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


No amendments have been made to this opportunity