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WS4425121687-Inner West Light Rail-Advertising Rights - RFP-2000454


Advertising rights for Inner West Light Rail (IWLR) stops for the purposes of engaging a media supplier to generate revenue for Transport for NSW.


Transport for NSW
Primary contact:
Gaurav Chauhan
RFP (Open)
Marketing and advertising - Advertising
Opportunity ID:
All regions
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

06-Aug-2024 3:00 PM

Completion date:


Estimated decision date:


Project goals

Advertising rights for Inner West Light Rail(IWLR) stops for the purposes of engaging a media supplier to generate revenue for Transport for NSW.

TfNSW is looking to partner with the Supplier to design, acquire, implement, operate (including sales and marketing), manage and maintain digital D/OOH advertising Light Rail stop assets on Inner West lIght Rail(IWLR), from Exhibition Centre to Dulwich HillFYI: Please send attached signed confidentiality deed Poll along with additional details to tss.bidder@transport.nsw.gov.au if you are interested to be registered for this tender.

Please Note-Any responses for this should be made to tss.bidder@transport.nsw.gov.au


Advertising rights for IWLR stops for the purposes of engaging a media supplier to generate revenue for Transport for NSW.

TfNSW is looking to partner with the Supplier to design, acquire, implement, operate (including sales and marketing), manage and maintain digital D/OOH advertising Light Rail stop assets on Inner West Light Rail(IWLR), from Exhibition Centre to Dulwich HillFYI: Please send attached signed confidentiality deed Poll along with additional details to tss.bidder@transport.nsw.gov.au if you are interested to be registered for this tender.

Please Note-Any responses for this should be made to tss.bidder@transport.nsw.gov.au

Related files

  • No files attached

Additional details/instructions

Additional details/Instructions: (For ARIBA tenders only)In order to gain access to the Request for Tender documents, Tenderers are required to register their interest by sending an email:TSS.Bidder@transport.nsw.gov.au and include the following:

1) Tender No and Title,  2) RFT ID,  3) Organisation Name,  4) ACN/ABN,  5) Contact Name,

 6) Organisation/contact postal address,  7) Contact emailaddress (preferably an email address with the contact person's name),  8) Contact phone number 9) signed confidentiality deed poll

To gain access to the tender documents in Ariba over the internet onceaccess is provided, please ensure that you are using PC with web browser:

  • Google Chrome54+(64-bit)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7-11(32-bit)
  • Mozilla Firefox 24 or 27(ESR)
  • Safari 9+(64-bit)
  • Microsoft Edge(32-bit)



Mandatory requirements

There are no mandatory requirements for this opportunity.

Opportunity requirements


Confidentiality Deed Poll

It is must for all interested participants to submit all the details along with duly signed confidentiality deed poll to tss.bidders@transport.nsw.gov.au before access to RFP documents could be granted in ARIBA. All the submissions must be made in ARIBA portal before the closing date and time.

Response type

Checkbox (Agree)


Email address for response


Response type

Checkbox (Agree)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


16 Jul 2024 15:04 PM
Updated Email address
16 Jul 2024 7:26 AM
Changed Email Address
15 Jul 2024 16:16 PM
Changed Email Address

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