Richmond Road Upgrade (M7 to Townson Road) – Registration of Interest (ROI) - 24.0000139271.1049
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is inviting suitably experienced and qualified organisations to participate in the Registration of Interest (ROI) for the Richmond Road Upgrade (M7 to Townson Road) (RRM7).
31-Oct-2024 3:00 PM
Project goals
The Australian Government and NSW Government are funding the proposed Richmond Road upgrade between M7 Motorway and Townson Road, Marsden Park, as part of the North West Growth Centre Road Network Strategy to support development in the fast-growing North West Growth Area.
Transport's aim is to ease congestion and improve traffic flow by widening Richmond Road and upgrading intersections.
The Richmond Road Upgrade (M7 to Townson Road) (RRM7) supports future development and improves connectivity for the communities in the north-west, making it easier to move in and around the area.
Additional information on the RRM7 is available on the TfNSW website:
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is inviting suitably experienced and qualified organisations to register their interest to participate in the Procurement Process for the design and construction contract for the RRM7.
A two-stage Procurement Process is proposed for the Project. The EOI Stage (first stage) commences with this ROI process which invites suitably experienced and qualified organisations to register their interest to receive the EOI Invitation (when available) and submit an EOI. The second stage involves the Request for Tender Stage, submission of tenders and awarding of the contract.
Additional details/instructions
To successfully register interest to participate in the Procurement Process for the Project, organisations must meet the registration requirements and follow the instructions outlined in the attached document titled “RRM7 – Registration of Interest Invitation”.
TfNSW will accept receipt of Registration Submissions via email only at with the email subject 'RRM7: Procurement Process - ROI Submission' before the Closing Time and Date. The Closing Time and Date for this ROI is 3PM AEDT on 31 October 2024. TfNSW may, in its absolute discretion and without any obligation, extend the Closing Time and Date.
TfNSW may determine (in its absolute discretion) that it is appropriate to consider a late registration request.
ROI Documentation.
No amendments have been made to this opportunity