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Safe and Strong Families – Stage 2 – General - RFx_1089 - General


DCJ has opened a tender to deliver Safe and Strong Families, an early intervention service focused on preventing and responding to Domestic and Family Violence, across priority locations in NSW.


NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Primary contact:
Early Intervention Programs and Implementation Team
RFT (Open)
Community and social services
Opportunity ID:
RFx_1089 - General
Central West
Northern Tablelands
Sydney metro
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

18-Nov-2024 3:00 PM

Estimated decision date:


Project goals

The Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ) has received $13 million in funding from the Commonwealth under the Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses National Partnership Agreement 2023-25 to deliver Safe and Strong Families, an early intervention service, across priority locations in NSW. 

The target group for Safe and Strong Families includes children, young people and parents/carers who are at risk of, are currently experiencing, or who have experienced, family violence. This includes: 

• Aboriginal children, young people, families and communities.

• 0–5-year olds;

• children and young people at risk of disengagement from school, family and community;

• young parents with known vulnerabilities or who are experiencing a number of hardships.

• children and young people affected by a mental health condition/s. 

This procurement will involve allocating approximately $2 million (inclusive of GST) of funding across an anticipated 5 new contracts. Each contract will be for $400,000 (inclusive of GST) for a contract term of 12-24 months. Please note that whilst the initial contract period is for 12 months, the contract may be extended for up to another 12 months should the funds not be fully expended. 

This is an open tender for 5 Local Government Areas (LGAs).


Safe and Strong Families aims to address a gap in the family violence service system as evidence demonstrates intervening early will improve the trajectory and outcomes for children and young people who have experienced family violence. 

Safe and Strong Families has a dual focus, supporting both victim survivors and their children, who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, family violence. The program will deliver therapeutic, trauma-informed and culturally safe early support to victim survivors and their children. 

The program stands out from other family violence services as a soft entry point for vulnerable families, and service providers are encouraged to work with victim survivors and their children as long as required to achieve positive outcomes. 

It will be delivered under DCJs Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program. TEI offers culturally safe, responsive and flexible support services to meet the needs of children, young people and families experiencing or at risk of vulnerability. The flexibility of the TEI program allows support to families when they need it, and strong local connections within the service system allows a customised response to families addressing issues early and preventing escalation to a crisis response. 

Related files

  • No files attached

Additional details/instructions

This is an open tender for the following 5 Local Government Areas and their corresponding DCJ Districts:

1.      Tamworth Regional (New England District)

2.      Moree Plains (New England District)

3.      Parkes (Western NSW District

4.      Blacktown (Western Sydney District

5.      Cumberland (Western Sydney District)

This tender opportunity can only be accessed and responded via the Department’s end to end procurement system, Procurement Central. Any submission lodged outside of Procurement Central will not be considered by the Department. 

To participate in the tender opportunity, please register on https://justice.bravosolution.com/web/login.html.

Organisations who have not registered on Procurement Central will not be able to access the tender information. If you have already registered on Procurement Central, you are not required to register again.

If you require assistance with registering on Procurement Central, you may contact the Customer Support via below methods.

If you are in Australia, please call: 02 8074 8627

If you are outside of Australia, please click here for overseas phone numbers.

Alternatively, please Click Here to submit a Supplier Support Request ticket.


Mandatory requirements

There are no mandatory requirements for this opportunity.

Opportunity requirements


Acknowledgement to Respond to Opportunity via procurement Central

I will access the tender documentation via Procurement central and submit my response through that platform.

Response type

Checkbox (Agree)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


No amendments have been made to this opportunity

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