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What is a scheme

A scheme is a group of suppliers who have demonstrated their capability to meet particular buyer requirements. Being a scheme member means that your company is prequalified to meet a scheme’s capabilities. This makes it easier for buyers to select suppliers for quote or tender requests, because they already have an understanding of the level of products and services your business can deliver. 

A lot of government procurement is through schemes, and for some goods and services, scheme membership is mandatory to enter into a contract (eg ICT services).  

The buy.nsw schemes module 

The buy.nsw schemes module is a new way for buyers to create and manage a scheme and for suppliers to apply for and manage their scheme information. Integrated with Supplier Hub and other buy.nsw applications it shares data across buy.nsw and agency procurement systems making it easier to do business with government. 

Accessing the schemes module 

You can access the schemes module through the application tray on your buy.nsw dashboard. The scheme module tile will open your scheme dashboard where you can manage a scheme membership, apply to become a member of a new scheme or review applications.  

Registering for a buy.nsw account 

You will need a buy.nsw account to access the schemes module. 

It is mandatory for suppliers to register on buy.nsw to sell to NSW Government and for buyers wishing to access buy.nsw services such as the new schemes module. You can find out more about registration at https://buy.nsw.gov.au/help/getting-started#what-is-supplier-hub. 

Registration is quick and easy. You will need to provide your name and your email address. We will also ask you to create a password. Register at https://buy.nsw.gov.au/login/signup.

Applying for a scheme 

The application process for schemes varies depending on the nature of the goods and services covered by the scheme. Some schemes include different levels of prequalification for works up to certain values or thresholds. 

The buy.nsw schemes module will take you through the process of your scheme application step-by-step. Before you start your application there will be instructions on what information you will need to provide and, if needed, any templates you must complete. 

In general, to complete a scheme application you will need to provide evidence of your ability to provide the nominated goods or services, referees and information about your company. In some instances, you will also need to provide case studies and copies of important information such as licences, accreditations and insurances. 

Managing your profile information 

Your buy.nsw registration is where you manage all information relating to your company’s profile. It can be seen as a source of truth which integrates with other applications on buy.nsw, including schemes. If you wish to update your scheme membership’s company details, you will need to make amendments in your supplier profile. Please allow up to 24 hours for the details to synchronise. 

Amending an existing application or membership 

Membership applications that have been submitted for review cannot be amended. Once the review is complete and you have been accepted or rejected, you may then amend your application or membership. 

Amendments to existing scheme memberships include updating insurance documents or adding a capability. To amend your membership, access you supplier dashboard, select the schemes tile and then select the scheme to be amended.  

Once you have opened the scheme membership details page, you can amend your membership details before submitting them for the review and approval of the scheme management team.

Creating a scheme

Before creating a scheme, you must have obtained all the necessary approvals including endorsement from the Procurement Leadership Group (PLG). Any related established scheme must be reviewed to ensure that the new scheme does not overlap what already exists. 

To create a scheme you must have a buy.nsw account. The buy.nsw schemes module will guide you through the setup process. When setting up your scheme you will need to provide a search description (no more than 100 characters), instruction for suppliers and the scope of your scheme.  

You will also need to have created any scheme specific questions and determined your capabilities and given them an appropriate description.  

Setting up your scheme team members 

All scheme team members need to have a buy.nsw buyer account. To add a scheme team member to your scheme simply start typing their name in the drop-down box on the scheme setup page. For scheme team members outside your department just type in their full email address.  

Publishing your scheme 

Once you have completed setting up your scheme it will be submitted for approval prior to publishing. This approval is to ensure that: 

  • All setup components and information for your scheme has been completed and is in line with system requirements 
  • All necessary external approvals eg PLG have been obtained 
  • You are not duplicating a similar scheme that is already active 

Once approved you will be notified and can publish your scheme at a time that suits you. Publishing your scheme will make it visible to suppliers on the Opportunities Hub (Opportunities Hub help) and be matched to appropriate suppliers on their dashboards. 

Reviewing applications

You will be able to review supplier applications to your scheme through your scheme dashboard. Your dashboard shows the status of each application including new, in review (and who from your team is completing the review), rejected or resubmitted. 

As you complete your review suppliers will be updated with the status of their application and any feedback you provide. 

Updating your scheme

There are two types of changes that can be made to a scheme. 

  • Edit - A minor change such as fixing spelling errors, refining instructions or descriptions, reordering scheme specific questions. 
  • Amend - A substantive change that impacts the scope of your scheme such as opening and closing intake dates, ending the scheme, adding or deleting scheme specific questions. 

Both change types will be captured in the audit trail of your scheme and can be seen via the History tab on your scheme page. 

An amend update will trigger a notification to your scheme team and all scheme members on publication. 

Only system administrators can make amendments to scheme specific questions and capabilities. Contact the buy.nsw team if you wish to amend scheme specific questions or capabilities. 

Scheme history and insights

Part of the automated function in the new scheme module is to record all submissions and amendments to a scheme, creating an auditable trail of amendments. This can be viewed through the History tab for your scheme. 

We have also introduced some data and analytics capability to assist with the management of your scheme. This includes: 

  • Breakdown of your scheme membership 
  • Visual representation of new, in review and rejected applications. 
  • Average time taken to review and approve or reject applications 
  • Breakdown of membership by business identifier including SMEs, Aboriginal-owned, Australian Disability and social procurement enterprises. 

Over time this capability will be enhanced with the growth of the buy.nsw platform. 

Help and support

If you are looking for further help, we have some user guides here.

If you couldn't find what you were looking for, please email buy.nsw@customerservice.nsw.gov.au or call us on 1800 679 289.


Where suppliers apply for, and buyers create and manage schemes

The first item is What is a scheme