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SCM5862 Modern Methods of Construction Procurement List


Suppliers on this scheme


Last updated

Managed Department of Communities and Justice
Type Agency specific


Scheme category Construction
Scheme ID SCM5862
Scheme owner Alfred Sim
Start date:

02-May-2024 9:00 AM

End date:

01-May-2027 11:59 PM


Modern Methods of Construction Manufacturing Suppliers who provide off site manufacturing and prefabricated products.


A market briefing session was held on 30 May 2024.  A recording of the session and questions and answers are available online.

This Procurement List the following up to and over $9 million (excluding GST). 

  • Pre-manufactured 3D primary structural systems (such as volumetric or modular)
  • Pre-manufactured 2D primary structural systems (such as kit of parts)
  • Pre-manufactured components (non systemised primary structures)
  • Additive manufacturing (such as 3D printing)
  • Pre-manufactured - non-structural assemblies and sub-assemblies


The Procurement List covers the following:

  • Pre-manufactured 3D primary structural systems
  • Pre-manufactured 2D primary structural systems
  • Pre-manufactured components (non-systemised primary structures)
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Pre-manufactured - non-structural assemblies and sub-assemblies

Information will be sought regarding the provision of:

  • Delivery/Transport services (of the above products)
  • Site connection/intsllation (of the above products).

Application Process

  • Review the Applicant Guidelines and Conditions of Participation available at Buy.NSW
  • Commence the application process - Answer all the questions prompted by the online application form along with the information on the provided templates and when completed submit your application.


  • Ensure the Terms and Conditions are accepted before submitting application
  • When applying for multiple typologies, ensure relevant examples of each typology is provided.

Scheme Requirements

SCM5862 Scheme specific questions

Years in operation * (required)

Please enter the number of years your business has been in operation.

Response type:

Text area

Factory Location * (required)

Is your manufacturing facility within Australia?

Response type:

Checkbox Multiple custom (Yes, No)

Factory location - if outside Australia

If your factory location is outside of Australia, what is the location/s of your manufacturing facility?

Response type:

Text area

Builders license * (required)

Does your organisation hold a valid NSW Builder’s License?

Response type:

Radio button yes/no

Builders license - upload

If you have a builders license, please upload a copy.

Response type:

File upload

Design and Building Practitioners Registration * (required)

Does your organisation hold a Design and Building Practitioners Registration? 

Response type:

Radio button yes/no

Design and Building Practitioners Registration - upload

Please upload a copy of your Design and Building Practitioners Registration.

Response type:

File upload

Location preferences * (required)

Please nominate the NSW area/s in which your company wish to provide its products and services.

Refer to the Contract Administration Areas map at Appendix B of the Applicant Guidelines.

Select all that apply

Response type:

Checkbox Multiple custom (a) N1, b) N2, c) N3, d) N4, e) M, f) S, g) W1, h) W2, i) W3)

Production output

What is the maximum production that your factory capable of supplying on an annual basis?
If you have more than one factory, outlined the maximum capacity for each.

Response type:

Text area

Historical output

How many products, pods or module/s have you delivered over the last 3 financial years?

Response type:

Text area

Forecast output

How many products, pods or module/s are you forecast to deliver this financial year?

Response type:

Text area

Manufacturing Methodology * (required)

Describe your method and approach to the manufacturing or sourcing of your products and services.

Response type:

Text area

Product evolution and continuous improvement

What is your approach to product evolution, lessons learnt and continuous improvement?

Response type:

Text area


What is your approach to innovation and new product development?

Response type:

Text area

Quality management * (required)

Outline your approach to Quality Management. In your response outline any strategies, systems or certifications you may have.

Response type:

Text area

Workplace, Health and Safety * (required)

Outline your approach to managing Workplace, Health and Safety. In your response outline any strategies, systems or certifications you may have.

Response type:

Text area

Environment * (required)

Please outline your approach to sustainability and environmental management. In your response outline any strategies, systems or certifications you may have.

Response type:

Text area

Public Liability insurance * (required)

Does your organisation have current Public Liability insurance?

Response type:

Radio button yes/no

Public Liability insurance certificate - upload

Please upload your current public liability insurance certificate.

Response type:

File upload Date

Workers Compensation insurance * (required)

Does your organisation have current Workers Compensation insurances?

Response type:

Radio button yes/no

Workers Compensation insurance - upload

Please upload a copy of your current Workers Compensation insurance certificate.

Response type:

File upload Date

Aboriginal Participation * (required)

Describe how your business supports employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Refer to the NSW Government Aboriginal Procurement Policy for further information.

Response type:

Text area

Modern Slavery * (required)

Modern Slavery is the term used to describe situations where adults and children are exploited because they have been coerced, threatened or deceived. It describes situations where a person’s freedom and dignity have been taken away. Under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) a government agency must take reasonable steps to ensure that goods and services procured by and for the agency are not the product of modern slavery.

Visit the buy.nsw website for more information and guidance on reducing modern slavery in supply chains.

Which of the following best describes how your business manages the risk of modern slavery in your operations and supply chains? (Select all that apply)

Response type:

Checkbox Multiple custom (a) Comprehensive processes are in place, b) Some processes have been introduced and a rollout plan is underway, c) In the planning stage, d) Not yet commenced but have an intention to commence)

Modern Slavery mitigation * (required)

Is your business willing to work with the NSW Government to address modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains?

Response type:

Radio button yes/no

Skills and Training * (required)

Provide a brief description of how your business contributes to the skills development of the MMC workforce, and the NSW Government’s skills and training policy. Refer to the PBD 2020-03: Skills, training and diversity in construction for further information.

Response type:

Text area

Significant events * (required)

Have any significant events occurred which may affect your business (the Applicant) future capacity to meet financial or commercial obligations associated with taking on future projects?

Response type:

Radio button yes/no

Significant events - further details

If you answered yes to the 'significant events' question, please provide more details about the events which may affect your organisations future capacity to meet financial or commercial obligations.

Response type:

Text area

Referee 1 * (required)

Provide details for referee 1 who may be contacted by the Procurement List evaluation Panel to provide confirmation of your business capabilities, products and services.

Please include the following information for each of the referees.

  • Organisation Name
  • Contact Person
  • Position
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Relationship Details/Services Provided

Response type:

Text area

Referee 2 * (required)

Provide details for referee 2 who may be contacted by the Procurement List evaluation Panel to provide confirmation of your business capabilities, products and services.

Please include the following information for each of the referees.

  • Organisation Name
  • Contact Person
  • Position
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Relationship Details/Services Provided

Response type:

Text area


Supply Categories

C1  Pre-manufactured 3D primary structural systems (Also known as volumetric or modular).

This category includes volumetric/modular construction involving the production of three-dimensional units in controlled factory conditions prior to final installation. 
Volumetric units may be brought to site in a basic structure through to one with all internal and external finishes and services installed, all ready for installation. 
Subcategories include: 
a)    structural chassis
b)    structural chassis and internal fit out
c)    structural chassis, fitout and external cladding with roofing complete
d)    structural chassis and internal fit out – ‘podded’ room assemblies – bathrooms/kitchens 

Question 1:

Which of the above sub-categories do you supply? List the sub-categories as free text.

Question 1:

Response type:

Free text

Question 2:

How does your product align with the dwelling type/s which you have selected? Describe how the product functions and features addresses the project or client needs and/or adds value. Refer to the capability "Dwelling typologies"

Question 2:

Response type:

Free text

Question 3:

Do your products meet National Construction Code 2022?

Question 3:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 4:

Do your products meet Australian Standards?

Question 4:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 5:

Do your products provide acoustic ratings?

Question 5:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 6:

Do your products provide fire ratings?

Question 6:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 7:

Do your products provide impact resistance?

Question 7:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 8:

Do your products provide structural certifications?

Question 8:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 9:

Please provide 3 maximum examples previous product/projects, evidencing the use of the selected category(ies) of Modern Methods of Construction. Use template MMC Project/Product Experience template.

Question 9:

MMC Project Product Experience Template.docx

Response type:

File upload

C2 Pre-manufactured 2D primary structural systems (Also known as kit of parts)

A systemised approach using flat panel units used for basic floor, wall and roof structures of varying materials which are produced in a factory environment and assembled at the final workface to produce a final three-dimensional structure. 
Sub categories include: 
a)    basic framing only
b)    framing, insulation, internal linings
c)    framing, insulation, internal linings, external cladding/roofing, doors and windows

Question 1:

Which of the above sub-categories do you supply? List the sub-categories as free-text.

Question 1:

Response type:

Free text

Question 2:

How does your product align with the dwelling type/s which you have selected? Describe how the product functions and features addresses the project or client needs and/or adds value. Refer to the capability "Dwelling typologies"

Question 2:

Response type:

Free text

Question 3:

Do your products meet the National Construction Code 2022?

Question 3:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 4:

Do your products meet Australian Standards?

Question 4:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 5:

Do your products provide acoustic ratings?

Question 5:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 6:

Do your products provide fire ratings?

Question 6:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 7:

Do your products provide impact resistance?

Question 7:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 8:

Do your products provide structural certifications?

Question 8:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 9:

Please provide 3 maximum examples previous product/projects, evidencing the use of the selected category(ies) of Modern Methods of Construction. Use template MMC Project/Product Experience template.

Question 9:

MMC Project Product Experience Template.docx

Response type:

File upload

C3 Pre-manufactured components (non-systemised primary structures)

The use of pre-manufactured structural members made of framed or mass engineered timber, cold rolled or hot rolled steel or pre-cast concrete. Members to include load bearing beams, columns, walls, core structures and slabs that are note substantially in-situ workface constructed and are not part of a systemised design.

This category, although focused on superstructure elements, would also include sub-structure elements such as pre-fabricated ring beams, pile caps, driven piles and screw piles.

Sub categories include:
a)    Foundations – Driven or screw piles
b)    Foundations – Pre-fabricated pile caps or ring beams
c)    Columns, walls and/or beams
d)    Floors
e)    Integrated columns and walls and beams
f)    Staircases
g)    Roofs

Question 1:

Which of the above sub-categories do you supply? List the sub-categories as free-text.

Question 1:

Response type:

Free text

Question 2:

How does your product align with the dwelling type/s which you have selected? Describe how the product functions and features addresses the project or client needs and/or adds value. Refer to the capability "Dwelling typologies".

Question 2:

Response type:

Free text

Question 3:

Do your products meet the National Construction Code 2022?

Question 3:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 4:

Do your products meet Australian Standards?

Question 4:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 5:

Do your products provide acoustic ratings?

Question 5:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 6:

Do your products provide fire ratings?

Question 6:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 7:

Do your products provide impact resistance?

Question 7:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 8:

Do your products provide structural certifications?

Question 8:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 9:

Please provide 3 maximum examples previous product/projects, evidencing the use of the selected category(ies) of Modern Methods of Construction. Use template MMC Project/Product Experience template.

Question 9:

MMC Project Product Experience Template.docx

Response type:

File upload

C4 Additive manufacturing (structural and non-structural)

The remote, site based or final workface based printing of parts of buildings through various materials based on digital design and manufacturing techniques. 
a)    Substantive structural forms / components
b)    Non structural components
c)    Other 

Question 1:

Which of the above sub-categories do you supply? List the sub-categories as free-text.

Question 1:

Response type:

Free text

Question 2:

How does your product align with the dwelling type/s which you have selected? Describe how the product functions and features addresses the project or client needs and/or adds value. Refer to the capability "Dwelling typologies"

Question 2:

Response type:

Free text

Question 3:

Do your products meet the National Construction Code 2022?

Question 3:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 4:

Do your products meet Australian Standards?

Question 4:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 5:

Do your products provide acoustic ratings?

Question 5:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 6:

Do your products provide fire ratings?

Question 6:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 7:

Do your products provide impact resistance?

Question 7:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 8:

Do your products provide structural certifications?

Question 8:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 9:

Please provide 3 maximum examples previous product/projects, evidencing the use of the selected category(ies) of Modern Methods of Construction. Use template MMC Project/Product Experience template.

Question 9:

MMC Project Product Experience Template.docx

Response type:

File upload

C5  Pre-manufactured - non-structural assemblies and sub-assemblies

A series of different pre-manufacturing approaches that includes unitised non-structural walling systems, roof finish cassettes or assemblies (where not part of a wider structural building system), non-load bearing mini-volumetric units (sometimes referred to as ‘pods’) used for highly serviced and more repeatable areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, utility cupboards, risers and plant rooms. 
Sub categories include: 
a)    Volumetric/Pod - Whole bathroom 
b)    Volumetric/Pod - Whole kitchen 
c)    Volumetric/Pod - Whole kitchen & Bathroom
d)    Volumetric/Pod - Services and Central Equipment 
e)    Panelised/Linear - facade
f)    Panelised/Linear - roof
g)    Panelised/Linear – Services distribution
h)    Panelised/Linear – services infrastructure - risers
i)    Panelised/Linear – services infrastructure – central plant & equipment
j)    Panelised/Linear – floor cassettes with horizontal services & finishes added
k)    Panelised/Linear – partition wall cassettes with services & finishes added
l)    Panelised/Linear – Doorsets, prehung, finished with door hardware
m)    Other 

Question 1:

Which of the above sub-categories do you supply? List the sub-categories as free-text.

Question 1:

Response type:

Free text

Question 2:

How does your product align with the dwelling type/s which you have selected? Describe how the product functions and features addresses the project or client needs and/or adds value. Refer to the capability "Dwelling typologies"

Question 2:

Response type:

Free text

Question 3:

Do your products meet the National Construction Code 2022?

Question 3:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 4:

Do your products meet Australian Standards?

Question 4:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 5:

Do your products provide acoustic ratings?

Question 5:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 6:

Do your products provide fire ratings?

Question 6:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 7:

Do your products provide impact resistance?

Question 7:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 8:

Do your products provide structural certifications?

Question 8:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Question 9:

Please provide 3 maximum examples previous product/projects, evidencing the use of the selected category(ies) of Modern Methods of Construction. Use template MMC Project/Product Experience template.

Question 9:

MMC Project Product Experience Template.docx

Response type:

File upload

Delivery Models

D1 Product/Home supply only

Design and manufacture the product/home

Question 1:

Confirm you can design and manufacture the product/home for the selected categories.

Question 1:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

D2 Product/Home supply + transport & installation

Product/Home supply & installation.  Note installation on site will require NSW Builders license.

Question 1:

Confirm you can design and manufacture, transport and install on site for the selected categories.

Question 1:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

D3 Product/home supply, transport & installation + pre and post delivery site works.

Design and manufacture the product/home, transport & installation and pre and post delivery site works, including:

  • pre delivery site preparations, including demolitions, civil, service connections, temporary site fencing
  • Assembly, if required, of manufactured parts
  • Landscaping, fencing, driveways, after home install on site.

Note NSW Builders license will be required.

Question 1:

Confirm if you can Design and manufacture the product/home, transport & installation and pre and post delivery site works for the selected categories

Question 1:

Response type:

Radio button (Yes/No)

Dwelling typologies

T1 Single dwellings

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T2 Dual occupancy

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T3 Multi Dwelling Housing

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T4 Boarding and manor houses

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T5 Low rise residential flat buildings and seniors housing

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T6 Mid-rise residential flat buildings 3-6 storeys

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T7 High-rise and mixed use

Select if your supply categories are suitable for this typology?

Response type:


T8 Other typologies

Question 1:

Outline the other typologies you can provide, if any.

Question 1:

Response type:

Free text

Terms and conditions

View amendments to this scheme

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