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SCM0053 Operational Telecommunications Equipment, Infrastructure and Services (ITS2573)


Suppliers on this scheme


Last updated

Managed NSW Telco Authority
Type Whole of government


Scheme category Information and technology
Scheme ID SCM0053
Scheme owner Graeme Moore
Start date:

01-May-2013 12:00 AM

Start intake date:

25-Sep-2014 9:00 AM

End date:

30-Apr-2027 11:59 PM

End intake date:

30-Jan-2027 5:00 PM


SCM0053 is for provision of a range of equipment, infrastructure, and specialist services to build, operate, and maintain telecommunication networks.


The scheme is mandatory, whole-of-government scheme for use by NSW Government agencies and eligible non-agency buyers. It must be used when buying equipment, infrastructure and services for government operated telecommunications network .

The scheme offers 3 categories with relevant subcategories that suppliers can register under:

Category A - Equipment 
Category B - Infrastructure
Category C - Services


The Scheme offers two membership levels:

  • Base Supplier List: Approved for contracts valued up to $250,000 (exclusive of GST), deemed low risk, or does not contain "As a Service" items.
  • Advanced Supplier List: Approved for contracts over $250,000 (exclusive of GST), deemed high risk, or contains "As a Service" items.

Before you can supply through the scheme, you need to apply to become a Base or Advanced supplier using the following steps:

  • Log in to Supplier Hub and press schemes tile and go to SCM0053 Scheme page to review the Scheme Rules and contracting suite.
  • When ready, select ‘Start application’.
  • Complete the relevant questionnaire (Base or Advanced) by providing the information requested and submitting the documents as required.
  • Submit the application.

We will review the applications as specified in ‘section 9 Conditions for Participation’ of the Scheme Rules.

You will receive an email with the outcome of your application. It usually takes one to two weeks to assess applications, although this can vary depending on the completeness of the submitted documents.

Scheme Requirements

SCM0053 Scheme specific questions

Referee Reports * (required)

Please provide a minimum of 3 referee reports.

If applying for multiple subcategories you must have at least one referee report for each subcategory in your application.

If you apply for a subcategory and it is not substantiated by a referee report you may not be approved for that subcategory.

Referee Report V1.0

Response type:

File upload

Quality Management System (QMS) * (required)

Provide evidence of your organisation's Quality Management System including ISO 9001 or equivalent certification.

In absence of any certification, please attach your process document to ensure Quality Management.

Response type:

File upload

Environmental Management System (EMS)

Provide evidence of your organisation’s Environmental Management System including any ISO 14001, ISO 20400 or equivalent certification.

In absence of any certification, please attach your Environmental and Sustainability Policy or a document to demonstrate environmental governance appropriate to the service offering.

Response type:

File upload

Work Health & Safety Management System (WHSMS) * (required)

If you are applying for Category C Services, provide evidence of your Work Health & Safety Management System including any ISO 45001 or equivalent certification.

In absence of any certification, please attach your Work Health and Safety Policy or a document to demonstrate work health and safety governance appropriate to the service offering.

Response type:

File upload

Rates * (required)

For applications under Category C Services, please complete and upload the attached rates template.

Rates Template

Response type:

File upload

Key personnel

For applications under Category C Services, please complete and upload the attached key personnel template.

Key Personnel template

Response type:

File upload

Warranties * (required)

Applicants are required to provide a minimum 12 month warranty in respect of the Goods/Services offered.

Response type:

Checkbox agree/disagree

Insurances (Base) * (required)

Applicants are to hold and maintain relevant insurance policies with limits as follows:

  • Public Liability Insurance (at least $10,000,000 coverage per claim)
  • Product Liability Insurance (at least $5,000,000 coverage per claim)
  • Workers Compensation Insurance (in accordance with appropriate legislation)
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance (at least $5,000,000 coverage per claim. Only applicable if applying for subcategories under Category C Services providing Construction Services or Professional Services)

To be accepted on the SCM0053 Scheme, it is a condition for all suppliers to provide proof of relevant insurances including Public Liability Insurance, Product Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity and Workers Compensation at the time of tender or engagement.

The type and level of insurance coverage will be determined at the time of tender or engagement by the agencies based on the type of procurement, contract value and risk profile.

Does the applicant agree to the above?

Response type:

Checkbox agree/disagree

Insurances (Advanced) * (required)

Applicants are to hold and maintain relevant insurance policies with limits as follows:

  • Public Liability Insurance (at least $10,000,000 coverage per claim)
  • Product Liability Insurance (at least $10,000,000 coverage per claim)
  • Workers Compensation Insurance (in accordance with appropriate legislation)
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance (at least $5,000,000 coverage per claim. Only applicable if applying for subcategories under Category C Services providing Construction Services or Professional Services
  • To be accepted on the SCM0053 Scheme, it is a condition for all suppliers to provide proof of relevant insurances including Public Liability Insurance, Product Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity and Workers Compensation at the time of tender or engagement.

The type and level of insurance coverage will be determined at the time of tender or engagement by the agencies based on the type of procurement, contract value and risk profile.

Does the applicant agree to the above?

Response type:

Checkbox agree/disagree

Financial capacity assessment * (required)

NSW Government agencies are required to assess a contractor's financial capacity at the time of engagement or tendering, and their ongoing ability to deliver the contracted works throughout the contract period. Do you agree to an independent financial assessment if required?

Response type:

Radio button yes/no


A - Equipment

A01 Network equipment (narrowband)

Narrowband radio and data base stations, including; antenna system related passive equipment (e.g. multicoupling, combiners, RF antennas), and controlling equipment.

Response type:


A02 Network equipment (mobile broadband - radio)

Mobile broadband data base stations, software defined radio, access points, RAN controlling equipment, active or passive RF antennas, and antenna system related passive equipment.

Response type:


A03 Network equipment (mobile broadband - core)

Mobile broadband data centers, core network elements, billing network elements, and IP Core network IPMPLS.

Response type:


A04 Link equipment

Backhaul link equipment, including; antennas, feeders, protection (e.g. vermin proofing, earthing), cable management (but not cable trays) equipment. NTU & network multiplexing, routers, switching and IT or IP infrastructure equipment. WDM, termination and interconnection equipment, fibre testing and monitoring equipment.

Response type:


A05 Satellite backhaul

Ground based satellite infrastructure including earth station equipment as well as wireless and wired telecommunications services for a government telecommunications network.

Response type:


A06 Satellite equipment

Satellite terminal equipment for a government telecommunication network (excludes standard carrier equipment). This includes satellite equipment for fixed locations, portable (flyaway and transportable) and on-the-move (land, aviation and maritime).

Response type:


A07 Stationary terminal equipment

Stationary terminal equipment which connects to user terminal equipment, including modems, data collection equipment, dispatch equipment, IOT, power connection cables, device battery charging units and spare batteries.

Response type:


A08 Handheld and mobile terminal equipment (narrowband)

Operational handheld, vehicle mounted and desk mounted devices including radios, pagers, data devices. Equipment used to support handheld and mobile terminal equipment such as in-car mounts, handheld microphones, device coding keys, power connection cables, device battery charging units and spare batteries.

Response type:


A09 Handheld and mobile end user devices (mobile broadband)

Includes rugged mobile devices, rugged cells on wheels and any related other devices (excludes smartphones and tablets provided by commercial network operators).

Response type:


A10 Power equipment

Batteries, rectifiers, inverters, power management systems which support Category A & B equipment.

Response type:


A11 Deployable

Mobile broadband deployable equipment needed to augment coverage or to provide coverage in a blank area, including CoWs (as a whole unit including all needed components ), drones, and blimps.

Response type:


B - Infrastructure

B01 Antenna support structures (poles or towers)

Radio antenna supporting structures including self-supporting lattice towers, guyed masts, monopoles, rooftop structures (e.g., Jumbo Rails) and related footings where applicable.

Response type:


B02 Mounts and miscellaneous works

Antenna mounting steelwork (e.g., face mounts, headframes, rooftop pedestal mounts, etc), cable trays, straps, tower lighting and lightening protection fall-arrest system and other miscellaneous items related to antenna support structures.

Response type:


B03 Security and safety systems and devices

Alarm systems, security coded and keyed entry systems, DC ventilation systems, fire protection systems.

Response type:


B04 Fibre infrastructure

All fibre related construction activities up to the site termination point, including fibre cabling splicing, and supplying the cables.

Response type:


B05 Communications buildings

On and off site constructed cabins, huts, shelters and outdoor cabinets. Portable and temporary structures including trailors, specialised vehicles and drop down and pick up cabins. Please note that in supplying this infrastructure respondents should be capable of providing ancillary equipment such as Alarm monitoring & management, miscellaneous cabling, air conditioning, ventilation, miscellaneous electrical, fire extinguishers, WHS/OHS, portable generators.

Response type:


C - Services

C01 Site Acquisition, Environment and Design (SAED) services

Permits, DAs, Environmental Impact Assessment, site surveys/designs, structural assessments and design, Geotech assessments, surveyor for the purposes of building or upgrading telecommunication sites or infrastructures.

Response type:


C02 Network planning services

Spectrum design, radio coverage plot/verification and prediction services, frequency planning, and radio network dimensioning. Core network planning and dimensioning. Transmission network planning, link design, MW/SDH/fibre planning and dimensioning.

Response type:


C03 Project services

Project management, resources planning & management, asset management and capitalization, site acceptance and network deployment process & procedure.

Response type:


C04 Construction services

Equipment (A) and Infrastructure (B) construction services, including; Rigging, installation, welding, cranes, concreting, fibre ploughing, transportation, deconstruction and disposal services.

Response type:


C05 Maintenance services

Equipment and Infrastructure maintenance (regular and emergency/restoration), deployment of temporary sites; including RF and structural rectification works.

Response type:


C06 Consultancy services

Strategic, technical, commercial planning and advice services which will also include all of the Equipment (A), Infrastructure (B) and Services (C) categories.

Response type:


C07 Satellite carriage services

Carriage of voice and data via a satellite network for a government telecommunications network.

Response type:


Terms and conditions

View amendments to this scheme

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