Market Sounding – Wayside Information Management System (WIMS) - Transport for NSW - P-RFT-2004154
Market Sounding – Wayside Information Management System (WIMS) - Transport for NSW
25-Feb-2025 3:00 PM
Project goals
Transport for NSW wishes to understand the market in which supply occurs for Software Maintenance and Support. In particuar, the ability to support existing systems, known as the Wayside Information Management System (WIMS)
The activity will help Transport for NSW (TfNSW) greater understand commercial and business capability and determine technological supportability of WIMS. It is also to increase knowledge of the supply base to inform the scope of a potential sourcing process.
The WIMS system consists of a web application which provides a unified interface to condition monitoring systems, provides train data analysis, trending, and reporting for internal and external users. The system integrates data from wayside condition monitoring systems, train operations and signalling systems.
Wayside Information Management System (WIMS) was first developed in 2010 using technology stack (Java 6, Struts 2 and Oracle 11g). An upgrade of WIMS, known as WIMS2, commenced in 2022 using more current technologies and will be operational from June 2025. Sydney Trains owns the WIMS system, and holds intellectual property rights in the deliverables, contract material and solution
Additional details/instructions
Requests to respond should be sent to You will then receive the following documents to enable your response
1) Statement of Requirements WIMS
2) Response for WIMS
Requests and any request for clarification should be sent to:
Requests should include the following information:
1) RFx ID and Title,
2) Organisation Name,
3) ACN/ ABN,
4) Contact Name,
5) Organisation/Contact,
6) Contact Email Address (Preferably an email address with the contact person's name),
7) Contact Phone number.
This Market Sounding does not create any representation, either expressed or implied, that any tender or procurement process will proceed. The information may inform our business case and scope. Information provided by or collected from the NSW Government is provided on a confidential basis, unless otherwise explicitly indicated, or the information is already in the public domain.
The NSW Government will respect and honour suppliers' confidentiality and intellectual property rights.
No notices have been posted for this opportunity.