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Lord Howe Island Critical Infrastructure Program – New Marine Vessel & Operations: Invitation for Expression of Interest - SR00150


Lord Howe Island Critical Infrastructure Program – New Marine Vessel & Operations: Invitation for Expression of Interest


Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Primary contact:
Jake Parkinson
EOI (Open)
Vehicles - Marine craft
Opportunity ID:
All regions
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

23-Aug-2024 3:00 PM

Completion date:


Estimated decision date:


Project goals

To deliver a suitable marine freight service to Lord Howe Island that meets the needs of residents, businesses and tourists, through the;

  • design, build and delivery of a new modern marine vessel (Package 1); and
  • operations and maintenance of a marine freight service to Lord Howe Island for a nominated period (Package 2).


This Invitation for Expression of Interest relates to the delivery of the New Marine Vessel & Operations project as part of the Lord Howe Island Critical Infrastructure Program. The project comprises two packages, being:

  • the design, build and delivery of a new modern marine vessel (Package 1); and
  • operations and maintenance of a marine freight service to Lord Howe Island for a nominated period (Package 2).

Additional details/instructions

To gain access to the Invitation for Expression of Interest document, Interested Parties must complete and return the attached Confidentiality Deed Poll (Organisations) by email to LHICIPMarineFreightService@app.com.au as soon as possible. DCCEEW will then issue the Invitation for Expression of Interest document via email. The Invitation for Expression of Interest document is free, and available at no charge. 

To register, an Interested Party must submit an EOI, including all completed Returnable Schedules, by email to LHICIPMarineFreightService@app.com.au before the close date and time, which is 3:00pm AEST on Friday 23 August 2024.

 The Returnable Schedules include:

  • Returnable Schedule 1: EOI Form
  • Returnable Schedule 2: Capability and experience of Interested Party
  • Returnable Schedule 3: Confidentiality Deed Poll (Organisations)


Mandatory requirements

  1. Social procurement (Aboriginal Procurement Policy) *

    Vehicles - Marine craft

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  2. Social procurement (Shorter Payment Terms Policy) *

    Vehicles - Marine craft

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  3. Social procurement (SME Policy) *

    Vehicles - Marine craft

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)

Opportunity requirements


Conditions for participation

Interested Parties must demonstrate the capacity to comply with the evaluation criteria for Package 1 and/or Package 2 (as relevant) to the satisfaction of DCCEEW: 

New Marine Vessel (Package 1)

1. Capability and experience of Interested Party

Demonstrated capability and proven experience to successfully and safely undertake works of commensurate type, value and complexity to the Project and work within a marine environment, and includes:

  1. designing, building and delivering modern commercial steel marine freight vessels in the range of 25m to 60m in length;
  2. working under a Design & Build (D&B) form of contract;
  3. complying with all relevant marine regulations, survey requirements, standards and procedures, including technical requirements;
  4. having a detailed understanding of design, assurance, completion, handover and warranty procedures and requirements;
  5. having a detailed understanding and working knowledge of undertaking similar work within a marine environment, including during sea trials and the process, procedures and approvals required; and,
  6. having an exemplary record concerning safety and the environment in relation to national and/or internationally recognised standards for workplace health and safety.

 Marine Freight Service O&M (Package 2)

2. Capability and experience of Interested Party

Demonstrated capability and proven experience to successfully and safely undertake works of commensurate type, value and complexity to the Project and work within a marine environment, and includes:

  1. operating and maintaining a marine freight service;
  2. working under an Operate & Maintain (O&M) form of contract or similar arrangements;
  3. complying with all relevant standards and procedures, including all safety requirements, regular vessel surveys, permits and certificates of operation;
  4. having a detailed understanding of operational issues such as crewing levels and qualifications, vessel management, safety management and planned maintenance; and
  5. having an exemplary record concerning safety and the environment in relation to Australian domestic commercial vessels, and as required by all relevant New South Wales and Commonwealth of Australia laws (including all delegated and legislative instruments).

Note: The Expression of Interest evaluation criteria does not include pricing criteria and no weighting has been given to price at the EOI stage.

Response type

Free text


Confidentiality Deed Poll

To gain access to the Invitation for Expression of Interest document, Interested Parties are required to complete and return the attached Confidentiality Deed Poll (Organisations) by email to LHICIPMarineFreightService@app.com.au as soon as possible. DCCEEW will then issue the Invitation for Expression of Interest document via email.

Response type

Free text



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


No amendments have been made to this opportunity