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Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - RFQ-2002340


Men’s Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program offers up to $50,000 per project to deliver community activities, programs, & events supporting men's mental health & suicide prevention


Ministry of Health
Primary contact:
Ben Roberts and Tess Styles
RFQ (Open)
Community and social services
Community and social services - Social enterprise services
Healthcare - Healthcare services
Marketing and advertising - Digital communications
Marketing and advertising - Graphic design
Marketing and advertising - Public relations and professional communications services
Marketing and advertising - Social media
Marketing and advertising - Written communications
Opportunity ID:
All regions
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

15-Dec-2024 3:00 PM

Completion date:


Estimated decision date:


Project goals

The objectives of the Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program are to:

  • conduct community driven and well supported mental health, resilience and wellbeing projects, targeting men
  • deliver mental health, resilience and wellbeing benefits to individuals and groups of men across the state
  • reduce loneliness and social isolation among men
  • promote mental health, wellbeing and resilience among men, in general, or a specific population group of men such as Aboriginal men, boys and young adult men, older men, men living with a disability, men living in rural and remote areas, or LGBTQ+ men.
  • where appropriate, establish connections between community mental health and wellbeing organisations for ongoing referral and support pathways
  • where appropriate, develop the cultural competency and cultural safety of mental health and wellbeing organisations to increase their accessibility and responsiveness to priority population groups of men, such as those listed above


Applications must demonstrate that the proposed project has an evidence base for improving mental health or wellbeing. Funding can support projects such as:

  • Mental health awareness, mindfulness, and education programs
  • Social and emotional wellbeing programs and activities
  • Resilience-building programs and activities
  • Techniques for addressing specific mental health issues
  • Programs connecting men to mental health support
  • Holistic programs linked to improved mental health, resilience or wellbeing outcomes
  • Programs that connect men with others within the community to support mental wellbeing and resilience
  • Programs connecting men to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations or other Aboriginal organisations to improve social and emotional wellbeing
  • Programs that connect teams and individuals to priority population groups and supports, and that improve the cultural safety of mental health services.

Grant funding may cover:

  • Salaries or costs directly related to project delivery (i.e. engaging consultants for training)
  • Relevant and appropriate training for staff, volunteers, or community members
  • Operating and administration expenses directly related to project/service delivery (materials, equipment, marketing, insurance, travel, and costs for partner organisations to provide supports, including staff, event or training costs).


Mandatory requirements

There are no mandatory requirements for this opportunity.

Opportunity requirements


Eligible applications will be assessed against the Assessment Criteria detailed in the Standard Grant Application Form

Standard Grant Application Form must provide:

Project Description Provide a clear description of what the funds will be used for. Including how the project is based on evidence that men’s mental health or social and emotional wellbeing will be supported or improved.

Project Recipients Provide a clear description of who, including any specific population groups of men, and how many recipients will benefit if the project is funded. Including a clear description of how the project addresses men’s mental health and suicide prevention.

Project Outcomes Provide a clear description of what the expected outcomes will be. Detail how these outcomes match the objectives of the Men’s Mental health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program.

  • If partnering with mental health organisation or NGO, include a letter of support provided by that partner organisation. 

Project Delivery

Provide a clear description of when the outcomes will be delivered, including a delivery plan showing how outcomes will be achieved as soon as possible of the grant being awarded.

Project Budget

Provide a clear concise budget plan. Demonstrate that the budget is reasonable, achievable and value for money. Use the Standard Grant Application Budget Plan template provided.

Details of two referees 

Project Capability Provide a clear description of the applicant’s capacity, capability and competence in delivering the project proposed.

Please refer to the Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - GUIDELINES - NSW Health, (link provided further below) for more information on:

·         The Assessment and Application Process

·         Additional Conditions, Timeframes, and Key Definitions

Response type

File upload (Multiple)


PLEASE NOTE: Please refer to the Amended Grants Program GUIDELINES (amended 19/11/2024), which include the correct opening, closing and decision dates

The ‘Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health.pdf’ link above include the INCORRECT Dates. Due to tender applications being open, we are unable to remove the incorrect guidelines.

Please refer to the AMENDED: ‘Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health - 19 11 24.pdf’, which include the correct opening, closing and expected decision dates.


Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health - 19 11 24.pdf’


Applications open: Friday 15 November 2024

Applications close: 3pm Sunday 15 December 2024

Assessment of applications: From Monday 16 December 2024

Successful applicants announced: January 2025

Sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

Response type

Checkbox (Agree)


Please note: The completion date for successful projects has been extended to 16 November 2025

To ensure successful applicants have enough time to deliver their projects, we are extending the program completion date from 30 June 2025 to 16 November 2025. This means successful applicants must complete their projects and spend all grant funding by Sunday 16 November 2025.

Successful applicants will then need to submit a final report and financial acquittal statement detailing the outcomes of their project. The final report template will be made available to successful applicants.

IMPORTANT: There is no change to the closing date for applications. Applicants must submit their application by the due date of this Sunday 15 December 2024 at 3pm.

Response type

Checkbox (Agree)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


20-Jan-2025 1:08 PM
Update on the progress of the Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program: Thank you to everyone who has submitted an application for the program. We have received a large number of fantastic applications and are now in the final stages of the selection process. We will provide all applicants with an outcome by 3 February 2025. Thank you so much for your patience and apologies for the delay in announcing the successful applicants. (Note - A system error prevented the last two notices from being sent out so I'm trying again in the hope that all applicants will receive an email this time.)
  • No files attached
16-Jan-2025 12:46 PM
Update on the progress of the Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program: Thank you to everyone who has submitted an application for the program. We have received a large number of fantastic applications and are now in the final stages of the selection process. We will provide all applicants with an outcome by 3 February 2025. Thank you so much for your patience and apologies for the delay in announcing the successful applicants.
  • No files attached
16-Jan-2025 12:44 PM
Update on the progress of the Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program: Thank you to everyone who has submitted an application for the program. We have received a large number of fantastic applications and are now in the final stages of the selection process. We will provide all applicants with an outcome by 3 February 2025. Thank you so much for your patience and apologies for the delay in announcing the successful applicants.
  • No files attached
13-Dec-2024 11:47 AM
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL APPLICANTS: Please read the updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet attached to this notice. It provides information about how to submit your application successfully and what to include in your application. If you are having trouble submitting your application over the weekend, please check that you have successfully set up a suppliers account on the buy.NSW website. You will then see an option to 'respond' to the opportunity. The buy.NSW customer service team will be able to help you with any issues you are experiencing with the system today, however they will be unavailable over the weekend. Please follow the steps in this FAQ sheet to ensure your application is submitted successfully. We appreciate your patience in navigating the system and look forward to receiving your application. All the best!
03-Dec-2024 4:53 PM
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in the program so far and apologies if we haven’t yet responded to your enquiry. We’re doing our best to get back to you with the information required as quickly as possible. Please refer to the FAQ sheet attached for some common questions and answers.


12 Dec 2024 15:55 PM
To ensure successful applicants have enough time to deliver their projects, we are extending the program completion date from 30 June 2025 to 16 November 2025. This means successful applicants must complete their projects and spend all grant funding by Sunday 16 November 2025. Successful applicants will then need to submit a final report and financial acquittal statement detailing the outcomes of their project. The final report template will be made available to successful applicants. IMPORTANT: There is no change to the closing date for applications. Applicants must submit their application by the due date of this Sunday 15 December 2024 at 3pm.
26 Nov 2024 11:53 AM
To further clarify the application dates, which were listed incorrectly in the original Guidelines provided. Please refer to the AMENDED: ‘Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health - 19 11 24.pdf’, which include the correct opening, closing and expected decision dates. OFFICIAL KEY DATES Applications open: Friday 15 November 2024 Applications close: 3pm Sunday 15 December 2024 Assessment of applications: From Monday 16 December 2024 Successful applicants announced: January 2025
19 Nov 2024 20:02 PM
PLEASE NOTE: Please refer to the AMENDED: ‘Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health - 19 11 24.pdf’, which include the correct opening, closing and expected decision dates. The ‘Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health.pdf’ link in the ‘Requirements’ section include the INCORRECT Dates. Due to tender applications being open, we are unable to remove the incorrect guidelines. OFFICIAL GUIDELINES Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Program - Guidelines - NSW Health - 19 11 24.pdf’ which can be downloaded from the ‘Overview’ and ‘Evaluation’ sections of this tender opportunity. OFFICIAL KEY DATES Applications open: Friday 15 November 2024 Applications close: 3pm Sunday 15 December 2024 Assessment of applications: From Monday 16 December 2024 Successful applicants announced: January 2024 We’re in the process of rectifying this. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience

View amendments to this opportunity