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Open Tender Market - Trauma Counselling for victims of sexual assault - RFx_1084_AN


Corrective Service NSW (CSNSW) will issue an Open Tender to identify suitable provider who can provide specialised trauma counselling for victims in custody who experience sexual assault.


NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Primary contact:
Cathy Petrovski
P-RFT (Open)
Healthcare - Healthcare services
Professional Services (excl Consultancies)
Professional Services (excl Consultancies) - Health and safety
Opportunity ID:
All regions
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Publish date:


Close date:

02-Feb-2025 3:00 PM

Project goals

The purpose of providing specialised sexual assault counselling is to reduce the harm, deliver psychoeducation and provide a safe confidential space for the victims to heard. 

The counselling is to be provided within a timely manner to victims in custody and the community for a period of up to an hour. The locations of the correctional centres are: 

  • Dillwynia
  • Silverwater Women’s
  • Mid North Coast
  • Clarence Correctional Centre
  • Broken Hill
  • Wellington Correctional Centre 

The victims will receive up to 20 sessions of counselling, however, can be provided with further sessions in the view of the specialist and approved by the contract manager. 

The counsellors will be subject to applying for authorisation to enter the Correctional centres which ensures a Police check and working with children check. A security awareness course is to be conducted prior to approval and orientation be supplied for the counsellors.


In 2023 Special Commission Inquiry was heard after the former Correctional Officer Wayne Astill was convicted of sexually assaulting female offenders at Dillwynia Correctional Centre.

Recommendation 21 ensures victims have access to specialised sexual assault counselling to the victims of Astill and other female victims of sexual assault by CSNSW staff. 

This scope of service requirement includes the following: 

·        Face to face, phone and audio visual counselling across metropolitan and regional NSW

·        Provision of a secure platform to manage confidential data

·        Reporting, trend analysis and program evaluation

·        Provision of translator services 

The Service Provider must, and in the case of a Service Provider Organisation, the Service Provider Organisation must ensure that the Panel Member and any other Personnel maintains full current registration with the relevant National Health Practitioner Board or registration or membership with a relevant professional organisation (such as the Australian Association of Social Workers.) 

Corrective Services are inviting suppliers who can meet the above requirement and have experience with trauma counselling to victims in custody or on community sentences including those exposed to high-risk and trauma situations.

Additional details/instructions

The upcoming tender opportunity can only be accessed and responded via the Department’s end to end procurement system, Procurement Central. Any submission lodged outside of Procurement Central will not be considered by the Department. 

To participate in the tender opportunity, please register on https://justice.bravosolution.com/web/login.html 

Organisations who have not registered on Procurement Central will not be able to access the tender information. If you have already registered on Procurement Central, you are not required to register again. 

If you require assistance with registering on Procurement Central, you may contact the Customer Support via below methods. 

If you are in Australia, please call: 02 8074 8627 

If you are outside of Australia, please click here for overseas phone numbers. 

Alternatively, please click here to submit a Supplier Support Request ticket.


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


No amendments have been made to this opportunity