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Sydney Water Corporation – WS4915925121 - Delivery Contractor Panels – Registration of Interest - SWC-WS4915925121


Sydney Water Corporation – Delivery Contractor Panels


Sydney Water
Primary contact:
Jennifer Colder
EOI (Open)
Construction - Infrastructure
Opportunity ID:
All regions
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

06-Feb-2025 3:00 PM

Estimated decision date:


Project goals

Greater Sydney’s population is forecasted to reach 8 million people over the next 40 years, with approximately half of these people expected to be living in Western Sydney. To support the growth in the region and the wider Sydney Water business, Sydney Water intends to establish delivery contractor panels.  


Sydney Water intends to establish the following delivery contractor panels: 

  • Enabling Works Panel 
  • Pump Station Panel 
  • Mechanical Nominated Subcontractor Panel 
  • Electrical Nominated Subcontractor Panel 
  • Pipeline Panel 
  • HDD/Micro-tunnelling Panel.  

The first program to utilise the delivery contractor panels will be the delivery of wastewater infrastructure to Western Sydney across the next 10 years through the Upper South Creek Networks (USCN) Program. The delivery contractor panels will be established by Sydney Water’s agent for the USCN Program. Information on the USCN Program is available on the Sydney Water website: https://www.sydneywatertalk.com.au/uscnetworks 

Sydney Water is inviting suitably experienced and qualified organisations to register their interest to participate in the delivery contractor panel procurement process. 

Related files

  • No files attached

Additional details/instructions


Mandatory requirements

There are no mandatory requirements for this opportunity.

Opportunity requirements


Registration of Interest Requirements

Sydney Water conducts sourcing activities via SAP Ariba (the Sydney Water Ariba System), a third-party digital platform for sourcing and supplier management. To participate in Sydney Water’s sourcing events, all interested organisations must complete the supplier self-registration request on the Sydney Water Ariba System via this link: https://www.sydneywater.com.au/about-us/our-suppliers/supplier-registration.html.

To participate in this registration of interest process, interested organisations are required to:

  1. complete the supplier self-registration request on the Sydney Water Ariba System;
  2. complete and return the Conditions of Participation (provided as Attachment 1); and
  3. complete and return a correctly executed Confidentiality Deed Poll (provided as Attachment 2) and Confidentiality Deed Poll – Appendix A (Information Sharing Protocol) (provided as Attachment 3).

Interested organisations must submit their responses to the Conditions of Participation to Sydney Water at USCNprocurement@sydneywater.com.au. In the response email, organisations should include confirmation that they have completed the self-registration process on the Sydney Water Ariba System and provide their Supplier ID (AN ID).

Sydney Water will not accept registrations after the Close Date. Sydney Water may determine, in its absolute discretion, whether it is appropriate to consider a late registration request.

Sydney Water will release the expression of interest to organisations who have successfully registered and meet the requirements outlined in the Conditions of Participation. Sydney Water anticipates the expression of interest will be released in late January / early February 2025.

Note 1: Organisations that have already self-registered on the Sydney Water Ariba System will only be required to complete Item 2 and Item 3 above.

Note 2: Organisations that have previously executed the Confidentiality Deed Poll for the USCN Program Tranche 1 as required in Item 2 above are not required to re-execute a new deed poll.

Response type

File upload (Multiple)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


No amendments have been made to this opportunity