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Site Safety Induction and Site Access Management Solution - WS4890959207


Site Safety Induction and Site Access Management Solution for worksites across TfNSW to provide digital inductions for staff, and support access management functions for contractors and visitors


Transport for NSW
Primary contact:
Cherie Knowles
+61 435 524 781
RFP (Open)
Information and technology - Cloud products and support
Opportunity ID:
All regions
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

04-Feb-2025 3:00 PM

Estimated decision date:


Project goals

Delivery of a site safety induction platform that can support over 350 individual inductions and support up to 60,000 completion records per year. The platform must also have access management capabilities that can cope with over 250 visits (check-ins/out) per site, per day, across TfNSW sites and must have the ability to utilise existing hardware (if applicable). The solution should provide digital inductions for staff, and support access management functions for contractors and visitors via on-site, mobile phones and/or tablets to ensure compliance with operational standards, safety audit and site-compliance requirements  and have the ability to utilise existing hardware (if applicable).  

The Supplier will be required to:

• migrate data / transition current sites from the existing solution  to its solution.  and

• setup new sites and/or  decommission existing on as “as and when required” basis.  The resultant contract shall be a Standing Offer Agreement for post migration delivery on an “As and when required basis”


A digital building induction (site safety) platform, with access management capabilities for on-site check-in/check-out of visitors and contractors. 

The solution must support several separate accounts, which are individually billed and maintained by each Agency. Each account should support upwards of 300 individual inductions per year and allow for up to 60,000 completion records. Access management should cope with in excess of 120,000 check-ins/out per year. 

Services will be provided 365 days a year, including 24/7 customer support, provision of training support and material, and IT support. 

Provide a full featured IT system/solution to:

• Self-register, on-board, create and manage various types of profiles e.g. visitors, contractors, employees

• Manage and configure sites/locations where staff, contractors, labour hires, PSC etc can operate from and that allows to capture, store and report check-in and check-out information about site visits via multiple methods

• Create, track and manage safety inductions applicable for one or more sites or risk/task categories, that can be completed by individuals either online (internet) or via mobile devices

• Extract and integrate data, documents, attachments,for organisation’s auditing, monitoring, and reporting requirements for the various personas or profiles in the system and completion records for safety inductions, or any other data collected and stored in the system

Related files

  • No files attached

Additional details/instructions


In order to gain access to the Request for Tender documents, Tenderers are required to register their interest by sending an email:TSS.Bidder@transport.nsw.gov.au and include the following:

1) Tender No and Title, 2) RFT ID, 3) Organisation Name, 4) ACN/ABN, 5) Contact Name, 6) Organisation/contact postal address, 7) Contact email address (preferably an email address with the contact person's name), 8) Contact phone number

To gain access to the tender documents in Ariba over the internet once access is provided, please ensure that you are using PC with web browser:

• Google Chrome 54+ (64 –bit)

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7-11(32-bit)

• Mozilla Firefox 24 or 27(ESR)

• Safari 9+ (64-bit)

• Microsoft Edge (32-bit)


Mandatory requirements

  1. Scheme membership (SCM0020) *

    Information and technology - Cloud products and support

    This procurement category has a mandated scheme.

    This category has a mandated scheme, to be awarded this contract you may need to be a member of the ICT Services Scheme SCM0020.

    Are you a member of SCM0020?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)

Opportunity requirements


Conditions of Participation

ICTA Framework

The contract will be under the NSW Government ICT Purchasing Framework. Proponents will be required to agree to a contract governed by this framework SCM0020

ICT Services Scheme SCM0020 Advanced Approved Supplier

The Respondent must: 

• have applied for (and provide evidence of such application), for Advance approved supplier on ICT Services Scheme SCM0020 in a category relevant to the solution offered, by the RFP Closing Date; and

• subsequently be approved as an Advance approved supplier on ICT Services Scheme SCM0020 in a category relevant to the solution offered to be awarded a contract.

Guide note: For the purpose of proceeding to obtain the RFP documents please respond YES against the mandatory SCM0020 requirement above.

RFP Briefing:

An RFP Briefing will be held at 10am on Monday 13 December 2024. Respondents must register for the Briefing with the RFP Contact via email.



Response type

Checkbox (Agree)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


13 Dec 2024 14:12 PM
Delete the Addendum just uploaded as it is for another opportunity.
13 Dec 2024 13:59 PM
Issue Addendum 1 to confirm that membership to the NSW Government Scheme SCM4721 is not mandatory for this RFT.

View amendments to this opportunity