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New Richmond Bridge and Traffic Improvements Stage 1: The Driftway/Londonderry Road Intersection and The Driftway/Blacktown Road Intersection - Expression of Interest - 24.0000139285.0708.EOI


The New Richmond Bridge and Traffic Improvements Stage 1: Londonderry Road Intersection and Blacktown Road Intersection project (Project) involves the upgrade of two distinct road segments.


Transport Infrastructure Projects
Primary contact:
Subha Sinchan Sarkar
EOI (Open)
Building and property - Roads and rail
Construction - Infrastructure
Opportunity ID:
Sydney metro
Covered procurement:
Multi agency use:
Related opportunities:
Publish date:


Close date:

30-Aug-2024 3:00 PM

Completion date:


Estimated decision date:


Project goals

As outlined in the EOI Invitation documentation


As outlined in the EOI Invitation documentation

Additional details/instructions

Any price and non-price percentage published under evaluation/weighting as part of this Opportunity advertisement is the default setting of a mandatory field, and does not apply to this Opportunity.

This Opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of acontract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please contact the Primary contact name for details.


Mandatory requirements

  1. Social procurement (Aboriginal Procurement Policy) *

    Building and property - Roads and rail

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  2. Social procurement (Construction Policy) *

    Construction - Infrastructure

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  3. Social procurement (ISLP Policy) *

    Construction - Infrastructure

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  4. Social procurement (Shorter Payment Terms Policy) *

    Building and property - Roads and rail

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)
  5. Social procurement (SME Policy) *

    Building and property - Roads and rail

    Category and estimated value is subject to social procurement.

    If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?

    Response type

    Radio button (Yes/No)

Opportunity requirements


Refer to attached EOI Invitation documentation

The New Richmond Bridge and Traffic Improvements Stage 1: Londonderry Road Intersection and Blacktown Road Intersection project (Project) involves the upgrade of two distinct road segments:

• Segment 1: Construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of The Driftway and Londonderry Road.

• Segment 2: Realigning The Driftway with a new roundabout at the Blacktown Road intersection.

Expressions of Interests (EOI) are invited from pre-qualified contractors with Transport for NSW under the National Prequalification Scheme at roadworks category R2, bridgeworks category B2 and financial level F25. This work consists of construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of The Driftway and Londonderry Road, a bridge over Rickabys Creek, and realigning The Driftway with a new roundabout at the Blacktown Road intersection. Additional information about the project is available on the Transport for NSW website: www.transport.nsw.gov.au/the-driftway

The successful tenderer will be selected through a two-phase procurement process. The first phase requires applicants to submit an EOI in response to this advertisement. A shortlist of applicants will then be selected from this EOI process and invited to tender for the work.

A face-to-face EOI briefing will be held at 4 Parramatta Square (12 Darcy Street), Parramatta, NSW, 2150 on Monday, 12 August 2024 at 10am. Attendance is encouraged, but not mandatory to submit a conforming EOI. Prospective applicants must pre-register by 5pm on 08 August 2024 with the details (name, designation, and email address) of attendees (maximum 2 per applicant) via email to the Contact Officer at richmondbridgestg1@transport.nsw.gov.au.

All applicants must comply with the Transport Statement of Business Ethics through the procurement process and any subsequent contract period.

All applicants must comply with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework, NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct and New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement.

Segment 2 of the Project is jointly funded by the NSW Government and the Australian Government and Segment 1 is fully funded by the NSW Government.

It is a requirement for this Project that the successful contractor be accredited under the Australian Government Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) at the time of entering into the contract for ‘building work’ for the Project and must maintain accreditation under the Scheme while the ‘building work’ is being carried out. Information on the Scheme is available on the Australian Government website at www.fsc.gov.au.

Response type

File upload (Multiple)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Non price

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


22 Aug 2024 11:38 AM
Addendum 2 published; includes extension of Closing Time and Date to 03:00 PM on 30 August 2024.
16 Aug 2024 18:01 PM
Addendum 1 published

View amendments to this opportunity