Cooma Swimming Pool Upgrade - RFT-2003750
The construction of the designed upgrade for the Cooma Festival Swimming Pool, 43 Massie Street COOMA NSW 2630.
06-Feb-2025 3:00 PM
Project goals
Seeking tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced contractors to undertake the construction of the designed upgrade for the Cooma Festival Swimming Pool, 43 Massie Street COOMA NSW 2630.
The upgrade works are to ensure that the facility meets the National Construction Code 2022 and the standards for access for people with a disability. The works also involve upgrading the water treatment system to meet the standards for a Public Swimming Pool facility.
Construction of designed upgrade for the Cooma Festival Swimming pool to ensure the facility meets required standards.
The works comprise all work shown on the drawings and included in the specification.
Additional details/instructions
Additional Details / Instructions
Non-Mandatory Pre-Tender Meeting
Refer to the Opportunity Requirement section for the details.
Lodging a Response
Click on the RESPOND button to submit your electronic tender response.
Once your response has been submitted the tender opportunity will move from ‘In Progress’ to ‘Submitted’ on your Tenders dashboard. A detailed system generated email is issued to the registered contact for all submitted response files received successfully and you will also receive a notification on your dashboard.
Problem lodging your response, for help on how to submit a response contact 1800 NSW buy (1800 679 289) or
Please do not email your response to the primary contact as it will not be accepted.
Mandatory requirements
There are no mandatory requirements for this opportunity.
Opportunity requirements
Returnable Tender Schedules
This RFT process is being managed under the Two-Envelope system. The tender schedules are marked as Envelope 1 Non-Price and Envelope 2 Price.
Please submit as two separate files when you lodge your response.
Response typeFile upload (Multiple)
Pre Tender Meeting 16/01/2025 10:00 AM
A non-mandatory pre tender meeting is proposed for Thursday 16th January 2025 10:00 AM. The meeting will be held at the Cooma Festival Swimming Pool, 43 Massie St, Cooma, NSW 2630.
Please register your interest with the Primary contact.
Response typeRadio button (Yes/No)
Addendum 1
Addendum 1 includes revised Tender Schedule Env 2 - Price (Rev 1)
The revised Tender Schedule Env 2 - Price (Rev 1 ) includes an additional tender schedule 12a - Schedule of Provisional items.
Please submit Tender-schedules Env 1 Non-Price and Tender-schedules Env 2 Price (Rev 1) as two separate files when you lodge your response.
Tenderers must acknowledge inclusion of this addendum in the tender form and lodge the acknowledgement with the tender submission.
Response typeCheckbox (Agree)
Addendum No. 2
The attached Addendum is response to the Request for Information (RFI's) received from prospective tenderers.
Tenderers to acknowledge inclusion of this addendum in the tender form and lodge the signed acknowledgement with the tender submission.
Response typeCheckbox (Agree)
The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.
- Price
- 70%
- Non price
- 30%
Terms and conditions
Global terms and conditions
No notices have been posted for this opportunity.
Addendum No. 2 - Response to the RFI's received.
The attached Addendum No.1 includes: - • Revised Tender Schedule for Envelope 2 Price (Rev1) • Site Photos • Architectural Specifications Volume 1 Preliminaries • Architectural Specifications Volume 2 Trade Sections • Finish Schedule • Pre-tender meeting minutes • The response to the Request for Information (RFI's) received from prospective tenderers.