Transitional Handover Services - Sydney Metro West Central Tunnelling Package - SMC-24-1324
Sydney Metro Seeks a qualified Caretaking Contractor to maintain and implement PC responsibilities for the sites listed. They required to operate and maintain the sites until they are handed over.
Construction - Trades
12-Feb-2025 3:00 PM
Project goals
The CC is required to operate and maintain the CTP Project sites until they are handed over to the following contractor delivering the Stations and/or Line Wide Scope.
This includes but is not limited to the relevant activities in the Asset Management Information suite in scope.
This includes any activities and supply of consumables required to ensure the below systems remain fit for the intended purpose and be capable of remaining at all relevant times fit for their intended purpose.
The CC is required to operate and maintain the CTP Project sites until they are handed over to the following contractor delivering the Stations and/or Line Wide Scope. This includes but is not limited to the relevant activities in the Asset Management Information suite the scope.
This includes any activities and supply of consumables required to ensure the below systems remain fit for the intended purpose and be capable of remaining at all relevant times fit for their intended purpose:
- Water Treatment Plants
- Drainage system (pumps and support pipes
- Substations and supporting electrical systems (HV and LV)
- Ventilation system (jet and axial fans) and monitoring system
- Communication system, including any supportive equipment.
As a part of O&M the CC will not conduct any construction works without SM' s prior written approval
Related files
Mandatory requirements
Modern slavery *
Building and property - Facility maintenanceThis procurement category has a heightened risk of modern slavery.
You will be asked to provide information about modern slavery risks in your business and any actions you have taken to address these. You can visit the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s GRS webpage for more information.
Do you agree to provide this information?
Response type
Checkbox (Agree) -
Social procurement (Aboriginal Procurement Policy) *
Building and property - Facility maintenanceCategory and estimated value is subject to social procurement.
If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?
Response type
Radio button (Yes/No) -
Social procurement (Construction Policy) *
Construction - TradesCategory and estimated value is subject to social procurement.
If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?
Response type
Radio button (Yes/No) -
Social procurement (ISLP Policy) *
Construction - TradesCategory and estimated value is subject to social procurement.
If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?
Response type
Radio button (Yes/No) -
Social procurement (Shorter Payment Terms Policy) *
Building and property - Facility maintenanceCategory and estimated value is subject to social procurement.
If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?
Response type
Radio button (Yes/No) -
Social procurement (SME Policy) *
Building and property - Facility maintenanceCategory and estimated value is subject to social procurement.
If you are successful in winning this opportuntity you will be required to submit quarterly reporting, do you agree?
Response type
Radio button (Yes/No)
Opportunity requirements
RFX Access
To receive the deatiled scope, organisation must:
- Submit an access request form, demonstrating how they are able to meet the minimum requirements
- Submit a CDP signed and dated
- Register to attend the site briefing to the nominated contacts as per the RFT
Checkbox (Agree)
The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.
- Price
- 40%
- Non price
- 60%
Terms and conditions
Global terms and conditions
No notices have been posted for this opportunity.
Amend closing date to 12/02/2025
Added Addendum 1