DCS Wide Corporate Wardrobe & Design (SNSW) - SNSW/30933
Open market engagement via a Request for Tender (RFT) for the supply of Corporate Wardrobe across DCS, and Design refresh for SNSW.
21-Feb-2025 3:00 PM
Project goals
Open market engagement via a Request for Tender (RFT) for the supply of Corporate Wardrobe across DCS, and Design refresh for SNSW.
The Request for Tender (RFT) for the Department of Customer Service (DCS) is made up of three Parts being:
Component 1 - the redesign of the Service NSW corporate wardrobe range only. Tenderers must be willing and able to work with a third party supplier selected by the Principal, to conduct the manufacture and Total Apparel Management component.
Component 2 - manufacture and Total Apparel Management of all corporate wardrobe requirements (including off-the-shelf garments) for DCS agencies with Service NSW and SafeWork NSW being the two highest volume users. Tenderers must be willing and able to work with a third-party supplier selected by the Principal, to provide the designs for bespoke garment manufacturing.
Component 3 – an end-to-end solution with one supplier being responsible for the design, manufacture and Total Apparel Management of the corporate wardrobe range as set out in Component 1 and Component 2 requirements. Component 3 submissions identify the Tenderer as being unable or unwilling to work with a third-party supplier for either the design or manufacture components.
Related files
Additional details/instructions
Please find all documentation in Requirements
Mandatory requirements
Modern slavery *
Office supplies - Clothing and uniformsThis procurement category has a heightened risk of modern slavery.
You will be asked to provide information about modern slavery risks in your business and any actions you have taken to address these. You can visit the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s GRS webpage for more information.
Do you agree to provide this information?
Response type
Checkbox (Agree)
Opportunity requirements
Requirements and Tender Documentation
Please find the documentation attached for your review. Kindly respond as required in accordance with the tender requirements.
1. SNSW-30933-PART A-Request for Tender Conditions
2. SNSW-30933-PART A-Attachment 1 – Statement of Requirements
3. SNSW-30933-PART A-Attachment 2 -KPIs
4. SNSW-30933-PART B-Returnable Schedule
5. SNSW-30933-PART B-Returnable Schedules- Security Requirements Component 2 and 3 ONLY
6. SNSW-30933-PART B-Returnable Schedules- Aboriginal-SME Participation Plan- Component 2 and 3 ONLY
7. SNSW-30933-PART B-Attachment 1 – Pricing- Component 1- DESIGN
8. SNSW-30933-PART B-Attachment 2 – Pricing- Component 2- MANUFACTURE and TOTAL APPAREL
9. SNSW-30933-PART B-Attachment 3 – Pricing- Component 3- End-to-End DESIGN-MANUFACTURE and TOTAL
10. SNSW-30933-PART C - Conditions of Contract- DCS – Design Short Form Terms and Conditions
11. SNSW-30933-PART C - Conditions of Contract- Standing Offer – Component2
12. SNSW-30933-PART C - Goods and Services Contract-Component2
13. SNSW-30933-PART C - Conditions of Contract- Standing Offer – Component3
14. SNSW-30933-PART C - Goods and Services Contract-Component3
Response typeFile upload (Multiple)
The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.
- Price
- 30%
- Non price
- 70%
Terms and conditions
Global terms and conditions
No notices have been posted for this opportunity.
Addendum 3: Reponses to supplier questions
Addendum 2: Reponses to supplier questions
Addendum 1: Reponses to supplier questions and Market Brief details located in "NSWSNSW 30933 DCS Wide Corporate Wardrobe and Design Market Briefing.pdf"
Notification and Meeting Link for Market Briefing NSW/SNSW 30933 – DCS Wide Corporate Wardrobe and Design Tender
Updated format and multi agency